• ‘”Football Lexicon” …. the best thing I have EVER read on the relationship between language and football. A Fowler type guide to football discourse -‘ Robbie Fowler has written a Lexicon? Now THIS I have to read. What next? Robbie Savage’s Guide to Table Etiquette? Paolo DiCanio’s Tips for Kiddie’s Party Games? Wayne Rooney’s Practical […]
  • Football Cairn, a bunch of ancient stones at the summit of a Northumberland hill pinkly covered with heather, a hefty climb to see the prehistoric cup and ring markings. But I bet no one ever played footie here … or then again, perhaps they did, millennia ago, blue men hoofing round with a brown ball, […]
  • A “waterlogged pitch” so they say and I wuz all ready to follow the action on my computer gamecast, like me owld Grandad in the stands or watching on telly, his legs jiggling as if he was right there on the pitch to knock ’em in. Christopher T. George
  • might have been fitted in somehow after all down at the Pier Head, don’t you think? Recall the architect’s design that called for it to look like a deflated old football of brown leather straight from Daisy in the pasture. Might have been a memorial to all the footballers who played in the city for […]
  • I worked down at the old Wapping Dock Warehouse, clerking for the Mersey Docks and Harbor Board, clocking the ships in and out, the banana boats from Guatemala, the Guinness boats from Dublin, ships from Brazil mounded with cocoa and coffee, Blue Funnel boats from Singapore and the Malacca Strait, all entered on ruled sheets […]