• All aboard for the biannual Wurlitzer This year it’s set to be one hell of an achterbahnfart -think Alton Towers twister Who will emerge out of the rest ? When we know full well that we are far from the best We sit with our worries on our sofas of eggshells We polish the hope […]
  • Santia goes wild Messi is Missi again Argentina cry
  • Sadiku a puzzle Albanians progress Red and Blacks steal third
  • Espana cruise it Iniesta runs the show Turkey kebabed
  • Firing blanks , Balsaboy Sturridge and King Jamie III thrown on , Desperate times . Freshface ( 18 years 6 months ) enters the fray . ” There you go my son , do it for Queen and country …….” Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hodgson ? We deserve better Don’t we […]