• Marseille home of soap Sixty thousand Frenchmen stink Poyet oh so sweet
  • No rub of the green Dancing in Enniskilen Zlatan ? Over the hill
  • In or Out ? What next ? Bouillabaisse avec tear gas Sterling devalued …….
  • Another of the great Euro nights, under the Anfield lights One – zero , no hero . Up steps Stevie Geeeeeeee !!! ………. but it wasn’t to be . No fortune or favourable comment , that deal with the devil is spent .
  • Two nil away – job well done . Mike brought back the spoils of victory, Roms’ glove (right) . Soon to be installed in a reliquary in L33. Biggest attraction to hit Rainhill since Stephensons’ Rocket. Viewings by appointment . No groups Sunday .