• Some say the players are to blame. Some claim the Gaffer was at fault. The scapegoat-hunt is underway, Sparked off by this most cruel result. I think we should admit the Truth, However much it dents our pride. We scored two goals, they notched up four: They are the better Side. 29/4/07 Denys E. W. […]
  • Where’er the Toffeemen have played, We’ve followed in their trail – Exulted when they’ve triumphed, And wept tears when they’ve failed. We’ve shadowed them the length and breadth Of this green, pleasant Land. But we won’t go to Kirkby, We say “No” to a man. We want to stay at Goodison, Our Mersey hearth and […]
  • I went into a Job Centre In search of gainful work. I wore a nice, sharp pinstriped suit, Black tie and clean, white shirt. They bade me sit down at a desk, Fill in a form or two. Then asked me loads of questions To see what I could do: “Can you lay bricks or […]
  • “Well, you ask why I love you, Love you like I do. You don’t seem none too certain That I’ll always be true. So let me say it clearly, Let me spell out the facts: I love you for your fat contract, Your network of contacts, The jingle of your silver and your ingots piled […]
  • We last met in September, When trees were not yet bare. Three times we made their Keeper stoop, (And Johnson bagged a pair!) The Reds were none too happy, You should’ve seen ‘em glare. Well, now they’re thirsting for Revenge, Beware, my Lads, beware. Much water’s flowed beneath the bridge, Since that win oh so […]