
Dylan Foley

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    my first Final our first telly
    ’58 and a black and white set
    Munich sorrow awash that day
    with sadness in our heads
    that was the year I cried for another team
    and swapped my blue and white rattle
    for a red and […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    met him on a train down in London town*
    we’d both been to the very same ground
    always comes out with the best quotes around
    does our Ian

    sat behind him once down at Plymouth Argyle*
    he was a Pilgrim icon for a […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    one Christmas in the trenches
    they stood in mud and sand
    their loved ones and their football
    a distant far off land –
    the snow lay thick as thick could be
    a bitter chill did spread
    behind the sand bags and the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Another Christmas in Afghanistan
    Another Christmas in Iraq
    Another Christmas wondering
    will your son come back?
    will your daughter make it home
    will you catch her smile
    they’ve been there in sand and war
    fighting […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    listen up dream on
    don’t hold your breath
    Simon Cowell’s thumbs up
    could be kiss of death
    look beyond the spectacles
    and rose tinted view
    We’ll be shunned and I’ll be stunned
    if England’s bid comes through […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    shoe boxes shoved away underneath your bed
    stuff you couldn’t part with stuff inside your head
    rosettes ciggie cards and old away kits
    ticket stubs and football boots falling half to bits
    chucked into the cupboard […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ….(We hear The Sound of The Failed Bid Drum)

    what is it with our papparazzi*
    is there nothing that they’ll not stoop to?
    if it’s truth or it’s lies they will surely deny us
    the World Cup for me and for […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ironic and sad
    that here in the wake of Kick It Out Week
    you know that time
    when we get to see our managers interviewed
    for a day with their little Kick It Out badges on
    that we still now have with Paul Ince’s […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    they have no pitch to call their own
    united here they stand
    for something lost so long ago
    by eve’ry honest fan
    Old Trafford and Plough Lane once home
    but nothing keeps them down
    they play a few miles down the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas


    there was a young* octopus named Paul

    he was psychic but that wasn’t all

    he became so predictable

    flicking his tentacle

    now he’s an (ex-) legend in German football


  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Our players
    who art in silly-money heaven
    Narrow be their game
    thy payback will one day come
    when they’re all paid as one
    at small clubs as it is at big clubs
    give us a break from greedy agents
    and manipulative […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    to anyone present still ‘old school’
    his name brought a smile to us all
    call him ‘wide boy’ ‘romancer’ or ‘one of the lads’
    he brought something we miss to football

    and the flags at Man City they fly at half […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    S enseless scrappy scoreless sameness
    A bject awful average aimless
    M aladjusted meek marooned
    E very effort ends en-tombed

    O ver-blown overacting
    L imp lethargic listless lacking
    D ire displays draw desperate […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    things we’d change if only we could
    stuff we’d do for the better and the good
    of the game
    things we’d alter with the wave of a hand
    things that the big boys refuse to understand
    or take blame

    I could write lists […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    I just endure the razzmatazz
    that every big game always has
    the pre-match need to hype it all
    before they’ve even kicked a ball
    the intro music that they play
    in case the fans don’t cheer today
    but when it starts […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    are we in some new moon
    are we peaking too soon
    can these forwards just never keep still?
    from Fulham to Arsenal
    from the Bridge to Newcastle
    is six-nil the new one-nil?

    and where are the tedious boring old […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    there was a time when a young man dreamed
    and longed for that one recognition
    they would drop all for the honour and pride
    without fear or the least superstition
    but now it’s the norm to be blasé
    there are […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    never thought i’d missed it all quite so much
    sometimes we struggled just to keep in touch
    if I get desp’rate it’s* here within my clutch
    but not now

    my Vuvuzela* never made a game
    one World Cup féte isn’t quite […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    “In my country we go to prison first and then become President.”
    Nelson Mandela

    the tournament trials they are over
    as we try to get back to our lives
    but we pray there’s a legacy out there somehow
    and the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas


    on this long journey

    we all need a coach that drives

    men to play with pride

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/dfoleyrwinners4/activity/following/?acpage=30&offset_lower=170