
Poems tagged ‘Euro 2024 Germany’

Two Nations went to Germany

Two nations went to Germany
In search of Silverware.
Now read these lines of poetry
To see how they both fared.

The Scots played with true grit and pride,
But they could not progress.
Their fans drank lots of booze alright,
The rest we’d best forget.

The English set out with high hopes,
Their first three games were dire.
But then against Slovakia.
They really lit our fire.

Next came a match against the Swiss –
One-One, and then to Pens.
This time not one White Shirt did fluff –
They proved that they are Men.

And then we faced the Netherlands,
A match not for faint hearts.
The Dutch sure played with courage,
Got off to a fine start.

But Kane he levelled from the Spot,
And then on ninety mins,
A wonder-strike from Watkins
Sent us heading to Berlin!

As usual, there we fell behind,
But Palmer equalised.
The Spanish went ahead once more,
And claimed the glittering Prize.

Two Nations went to Germany
To win some Silverware.
Both came back empty-handed,
With Nothing to Declare.

The English reached the Final,
The gave it a good try.
But one thing should ne’er be forgot:
The Scots drank Munich dry!

Denys E. W. Jones

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If This Is Our Time

nights like this are special
times like these are rare
savour ev’ry moment
when you know you’re there
you can call it fortune
who cares what they say
when that moment happens
failure falls away

and if this is really it
if this is our time
we’ll remember where we were
til the day we die
we’ll remember words we cried
in our silly way
just like when the Beatles sang
Things We Said Today

high upon this hillside
minutes seem to fly
suddenly it hits you
like in years gone by
all those days we came so close
all those times before
disappear and fade away
when at last you score

looking on in disbelief
through the tears and smiles
memories come flooding back
when you were a child
time to stop and pinch yourself
as you watch the game
what is it that moves us
in this way the same?
and if this is really it
if this is our time
we’ll remember where we were
til the day we die
we’ll remember words we cried
in our silly way
just like when the Beatles sang
Things We Said Today

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Come on England.

Oh we’ve heard it all before
Ad infinitum
The speculation, excitement
Hype and hyperbole
It’s this year
It has to be
It’s in the stars
And destiny calls
England, European Champions
Everything is in the right place
It’s all poetically aligned
Even the Bard
Thinks we can do it
It’s England’s year
Football is definitely coming home
Let me tell you now, though
The neighbours did tell us,
As far as they’re concerned
We’re still on a Med beach
Topping up well varnished tans
And we won’t be home until
At least the next World Cup
It’s just a sad, old mantra
The record is stuck, mate
Vinyl suspended in animation
If it was coming home
Then we’d have booked the caterers
And thrown a riotous party
But England have been frozen out
Of Iceland
So time for sober reflection
It’s tournament football
That old chestnut.
Dig out those Union Jack flags
That now resemble grubby
Table cloths from 1966
We beg for perspective
We can still see Venners bit lip
From Euro 1996.
If only the Gazza lunge in front of
Goal had connected
Then Terry Venables may well
Have been jumping up and
Down in effervescent
Trafalgar Square fountains
Face painted with joy
But now we have Gareth Southgate
And if rumours persist
He may well be heading
For that salubrious North London
Suburb, for quite a while
This weekend it’s Euro 2024
Crates of lager and alcohol
Ready to explode in
Prolific beer gardens
Surely not another
False dawn
It’s 58 years now
Since Bobby and his
Beloved colleagues
Restored our belief
In football humanity
World Cup dreams do
Come true
But this weekend
We’ll all be gathered
For another crack
At the coconut shy
This time we will get
That goldfish
We can feel it in our water
Germany here we come
Fate had a quiet word
With us all
And the consensus
Said quite categorically
Yes, it’s our turn to win
The big one
Come on England
You did promise

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Real Madrid- Champions League winners again

Now we knew it would happen
Sooner or later
Because it always has
Like a venerable uncle
Who everybody loves
A priceless Ming vase
Or decorative
Constable painting
Real Madrid, yes
Those peerless maestros
Now European Cup holders
Or Champions League victors
In the modern currency
For just a barely believable
15th time
Abacuses totally surplus
To requirements
Forget it
No need for 1970s calculators
Di Stefano, Gento, Puskas
The three Madrid miracle workers
Back on that night of
Of elegant exhibitionism
When football defied explanation
In 1960 when Eintracht Frankfurt
Were demolished 7-3 at Hampden Park
Rose petals of lyrical hives of
Passing and finishing that blew
The senses and sensibilities into
That rarefied world
Where football is played on
Mars, Venus and Mercury
Last night England’s Jude Bellingham
Gave a dress rehearsal hopefully
For Euro 2024 and England
We can only hope Hey Jude
Becomes top of the charts
In German beerkellers
The lad has it in spades
Impulses in his veins
That send electrifying
Currents through
Gareth Southgate’s
Celebrated 22 and
Eventually 11
Will hope to recall
The last moments
Against France
In World Cup 2022
And that agonised
Moment in World Cup
Yelping and biting
Cushions and gnashing
Yet more teeth
When Croatia drove
Gareth’s boys
Onto another hard shoulder
World Cup semi final
So close and yet
So far
England’s timeless story
It has to be our time

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Sed Non Satiata

We’ve had the Premier League Campaign,
Plus two domestic Cups.
Three European Tournaments,
Now isn’t that enough?

No, we have not yet had our fill,
Our thirst is still not slaked.
There’s more to come in Germany,
And frankly we can’t wait.

Our mouths are moist, we lick our lips,
The prospect’s so appealing.
Though not one ball has yet been kicked,
We’ve got that tingling feeling.

While those who are not football fans
May think we are all nuts,
We lovers of das Schöne Spiel,
Just cannot get enough!

Denys E. W. Jones

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The Poetry of Euro ’24 & Fooball Poets 2000-2024 (Revisited)

so much has happened in our world since last time
but suddenly a tournament draws near
so all we ask is keep your poems flowing
soon so soon it will be here once more
and may our rhymes reflect these times -it’s coming
the poetry of Euro ’24

for in the Spring in Stroud back in Two Thousand
we poets sat outside of Mills Café
and in that courtyard round a wooden table
a plan was hatched that still remains today
where once our football words were only spoken
at gigs or when we’d meet up in some bar
with all our thoughts confined to bits of paper
the chance at last to spread our verses far
the idea seemed preposterous and crazy
perhaps we were indeed the only ones
but with the help of Stuart Dave and from me too
the Football Poets website had begun

we launched in June when Summer brought the Euros
to Belgium and to Netherlands that year
and to our joy the poems came in numbers
from those who loved the game from far and near
and meanwhile in that hazy crazy summer
we stood or sat with eyes glued to those screens
when flags would fly on pubs and cars and buildings
we followed in our numbers with our dreams
and hopes grew stronger though our group looked daunting
that golden day when when we beat Germany
only to lose out to Romania
with that despairing last gasp penalty

we drowned our sorrows barely three days later
and we all swore we’d win the thing next time (!)
so we went down to Glaston’bry for Bowie
and Coldplay played the farm for the first time
before we knew of masks or isolation
before the kind of years that we have known
before our media all became so social
before we could not live without our phones

but we’re still here whichever clubs we follow
and all our words arrive here just the same
reflecting still in voices loud and booming
our love or loathing for the People’s Game
and gladly now we have this site to savour
and thanks to Chrstian* so much for it all
who rehoused all your poems in their thousands
and introduced us all here to ‘The Ball’**

so from that fateful meeting in Two Thousand
the friends we’ve made the journey on the way
we carry on with pride and we remember
the plan we hatched that still remains today

and after everything that we have been through
all since our now last distant Euro year
while all our clubs face final games appraching
so suddenly a tournament draws near …
so all we ask is keep your poems flowing
soon so soon it will be here once more
and may our rhymes reflect these times..it’s coming
the poetry of Euro ’24

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/news/poem-tags/euro-2024-germany/