
Poems tagged ‘Putin’

WC2018 Day 2

    The Iberian Derby

The south-western edge of Europe
Has come to a stop
As Iberian Peninsula partners
Shape up and have a pop

And didn’t they just!
Ronaldo bagging three
As both teams go toe to toe
In a goal-scoring spree!

~ # ~

    Southern Hemisphere duel

Iran has faced a pre-tournament uprising –
Not from the Berbers
But rightfully from
Gender disturbers

For their joyful football posters
Adorning the advertising boards
Showed men and only men
From among their Nation’s hordes

In the ensuing stink
The artwork has been revised
Feminism taken to the brink
Now ladies are no longer disguised!

~ # ~

Shoved out the door pre first match
Real farce!

~ # ~

Hand sheiks all round
Infantino and cronies
Putin insincere


Russian Campaign

Napoleon tried in eighteen-twelve,
But didn’t have much luck.
Then Hitler swooped in forty-one,
Yet he too came unstuck.

Now England’s bound for Russia,
Though this time there’s no war.
We’re not hell-bent on conquest,
Just want to play football.

Our hopes, as ever, are sky-high,
That Cup’s there for the taking.
While less stout hearts – France, Spain, Brazil,
With fear are all a-quaking.

The Russian President’s not keen
On us, but listen, Putin –
In Heav’n above our Patron Saint,
Brave George for us is rootin’.

Red cross against white background,
With pride his flag we wave,
And lustily in song we ask
Our God the Queen to save.

We’re set to leave the EU,
Because “Brexit means Brexit”.
But from this tournament let’s pray
We don’t make a swift exit.

Denys E. W. Jones

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/news/poem-tags/putin/