
Emlyn Hughes, Crazy Horse

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Crazy Hoss –
The boybland of the time
Sang of you in the plural
But it speaks nothing of, our sadness at your loss

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Yet it suited you so well
For you ran unfettered and free
Across the tracts of land, we know as pitches
But to you, they were fields of fulfilled dreams

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Where no opponent could tame you
No referee could calm you down
And none of your grateful managers
Would ever dare reign you back

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Your many fans
Will miss your zest for the game
But we look forward to your cheery charges
Lighting up the night time sky


God claims another one of our stars as his own.

Emlyn Hughes, affectionately known as ‘Crazy Horse’
1947 – 2004

May he Rest In Peace

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/emlyn-hughes-crazy-horse/
