
Our Club Will Never Die

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 But through it all, we’ve stood tall,
Defying odds, we’ll never fall.
For in our hearts, the fire’s strong,
Though times are tough, we’ll carry on.
The days of blue, they’ll fade away,
Replaced by skies of brighter grey.
And when the dark nights come to pass,
We’ll find the strength, they cannot last.
The half-truths and lies, we’ll put aside,
Beneath the surface, our love won’t hide.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 For in this world of deceit and pain,
We’ll rise above, our spirits remain.
The sneaky cheats, they’ll meet their fate,
Their wicked ways, we won’t tolerate.
With unity and truth on our side,
Their influence will soon subside.
For those who seek to see us lose,
On match days, we will light the fuse.
To overcome, to prove them wrong,
With strength and pride, we’ll sing our song.

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 The problem days, they’ll soon be gone,
Replaced by hope, a brighter dawn.
In every challenge, we’ll keep refining,
A chance to grow, a silver lining.
Relegation may bring us down,
But we’ll rebuild, from the ground.
With determination in our hearts,
We’ll make a comeback, our skills impart.
No threat of extinction can break our will,
We’ll fight for the club, and never stand still.

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 For through the storms, we’ll weather together,
Our love for the club, will bind us forever.
Through days of frustration our passion grew,
Our love for this club, so genuine and true.
With every setback, a lesson we’ll learn,
The journey continues, it’s our turn.
The vultures may circle, but we won’t fear,
Their negativity, we won’t adhere.
For in our chests, the heartbeat remains,
The love for our club, coursing through our veins.


My club Stockport County went through some really tough times in recent years, not least being in ‘Administration’ and spending 11 long years in non-league football. I wrote this with supporters of football clubs going through a similar crisis. Keep on keeping on…

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/our-club-will-never-die/