

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Is more than a postcode,
more than a famous stadium,
with steel riveted girders,
and those mock Tudor beams.
There is more to this place,
than Archibald Leitch,
a stand on each touchline,
and blue plastic seats.
This place is its people,
players, supporters and staff,
a community with purpose,
from boardroom to the streets,
where everyone is welcome,
we are solid in our aim,
our passion and pride is Pompey,
Hampshire’s most successful team.
One city, one club, one family,
with Heaven’s Light Our Guide,
standing strong together,
we bring this place to life.


Written as a response to a call out for two words to describe what Portsmouth FC means to a range of people involved with the club.

For those who don’t know, ‘Heaven’s Light Our Guide’ is the city of Portsmouth motto.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/po4-8ra/