
Run Over Blues

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Recorded highlights fail to flash
in a lifetime’s blink, this time,
though a rusty green juggernaut
swells in my outer vision, a rhino
with the paralysing power of a cobra;
swerving through the vermilion light,
it stares the other way, swats me with its flank.
I shrink deeper into my shaken skeleton,
shocked into religious expletive, not obscenity.
Apology draws the sting from apoplexy:
I let the driver live, stagger back
to the pub to catch the second half.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 (3 May 2005)


Liverpool v. Chelsea was on at the Tetley Huntsman in Turin. At half-time I went for a stroll and got hit by a car, not that a true football fan will worry about a minor inconvenience like that for very long when there’s a match on.

Welcome to the site Bryan.
I watched the game in a bar near Nice.
The result was such that I felt like I’d been run over by a truck. Easily trumped though by your experience!

Depending on who you support, it might have been a double whammy!

(Glad that you survived intact and shared it so vividly with us).


Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/run-over-blues/