Tele-Visions of Big Ron
¶ 1
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Heard him on the telly
And my heart stood still,
Da doo Ron Ron Ron da doo Ron Ron,
Once I heard him once I couldn’t get my fill
Da doo Ron Ron Ron da doo Ron Ron,
Yeah – Set out your stall,
Yeah – Say “Early Doors”,
Yeah – Mispredict the score,
Da doo Ron Ron Ron da doo Ron Ron.
Big Ron go on for ever
Setting out your stall,
Da doo Ron Ron Ron da doo Ron Ron,
Big Ron we know for certain
You will never go bald
Da doo Ron Ron Ron da doo Ron Ron,
Big Ron I am your number one fan,
Big Ron you are Medallion Man,
You are so tanned and groovy
And your name’s not Stan
Da doo Ron Ron Ron da doo Ron Ron.
¶ 2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Oh no! A knock at the door. I must attend. The Tele-Visions of Poesy are destroyed.
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