The Family on the Kop
¶ 1
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An 8-year-old dreams ‘Owen is kool!’
His 12-year old sister just dreams….
‘So fit, so fine, wish he was mine!’
Two years older and getting bolder,
her big sister eyes the line….
‘Le Tallec is dreamy, must try harder
In my French lessons at school!’
At 17, big brother is counting the cost
Of paying his own way out of his first
Wage packet, it’s a racket,
So many hours for so little reward.
But this is my team, the love of my life,
I want a good time, too young for a wife!
Dad gazes down, his offspring engrossed
His thoughts drifting back to the days
When trophies and titles came with most
End of season parties. ‘GOAL!’
The whole family rise as one….
Harmony reigns, unity lives,
Today, just for now, let’s be
The Anfield FAMILY!
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