“Too Old!”
¶ 1
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I really should know better
Jumping up and down
With teenagers
Like a lunatic
I can’t vault
The perimeter fence like them
So I head to the corner to lead
The old guard charge
Through the gate.
Tears of joy
Hugs and kisses
Some strangers
Some not
All bonded by a love
Of Dulwich Hamlet
(Ok, I sneakily admit
One ot two I might have
Looked for as a little excuse…!)
Cup presented
All Over
Done and dusted.
Not on your nelly!
Dancing in the clubhouse
Prancing on the pitch
Not just delirious fans
But with the players no less!
Our heroes!
As one:
And me..desperate
But too scared to
Give little Erhun
A peck on the cheek
(In case I get carried away!)
It’s getting late
Time to wind down…
No way!
We really are old enough
To know better
Dancing on the roundabout
At Goose Green
Passing cars hooting
In celebration!
Finally got to bed
Twelve hours after kick off!
I woke up ecstatic!
On top fo the world
With aching shoulders
Tired muscles
Old ulcer wound on my foot
Opening up and
Hurting like hell.
But who am I to complain?
Ole, ole, OLE!
¶ 2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Dulwich Poet 28th April 2013
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