
Football Poem

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 I wrote my poem
On the studs of his football boots
No one would read my words
But they would be as springs
Hidden invisible
Strong for he who would leap
As salmon leap into rainbows

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 I wrote my poem
On the back of his shirt
Such small letters
No one would read my words
Seeing only his name and number
But they would be wings
For he who longs to fly

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 I wrote my poem
On the goal that he scored
My letters embraced the
Sublime arc such perfect maths
No one reads my words but
He knew they were there
Pushing the ball effortlessly
Along the road to immortality.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/football-poem/