
My Degeneration (by The Hugh)

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Old Hugh Morris and his mates
at the Viagra Social Club
used to dwell on days gone by,
while sitting in the pub..
Spoke football, but of yesteryear,
about Jim Baxter and Alex James,
arguably Raith Rovers’
two most famous names..
Also turned out, as they reminisced,
all were sixties music fans,
so Hugh made the suggestion
that they form a band..
Ron Cord picked a mean guitar,
Tony Deff plucked bass,
‘Panel’ Beaton bashed the drums,
with HM the frontman face..
Being staunch Presleyterians
they wore suede shoes of blue,
Raith Rovers shirts, tartan trews,
and called the group ‘The Hugh’..
You’d catch ’em late on Friday nights
causing quite a scene,
rock an’ rollin’ to raise revenue
for their favourite football team..
Had a varied repertoire,
also played requests,
but the swinging sixties song
their fans all loved the best
“People try t’ put us d-d-down
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
Jus’ ’cause we’re from Kirkca’dy t-t-town
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
Th’ days are cool an’ awful c-c-cold
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
But I didna die before I got old
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
By degeneration..
By degeneration maybe…

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 An’ when m’ team p-p-plays away
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
Dinna give a fig what people s-s-say
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
They canna cause such a big s-s-sensation
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
T-talkin’ ’bout r-relegation
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
An’ degeneration..
Aye degeneration maybe…

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 (Instrumental break)

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 So when yer in Kirkca’dy t-t-town
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
Get on up t’ th’ foo’ball g-g-groun’
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
Sing an’ cheer an’ give a-p-p-plause
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
T’ aul’ Raith Rovers, but did they cause..
(Talkin’ ’bout degeneration)
My degeneration?
My degeneration??


An extract from a later chapter of the Hugh Morris memoirs, “Hugh’s Private Parts”, with acknowledgement and deference to The Who, a truly great band, whose “My Generation” was one of the anthems of the 1960s. By way of contrast, other songs by The Hugh included
“Hugh Ain’t Nothin’ but a Hound Dog” (Elvis), “She Loves Hugh Aye Aye Aye” (Beatles) and “Hugh Really Got Me” (Kinks). Also see “Who’s Hugh” and “Hugh and Cry”.

Eds Note:
As long as you fellas don’t fall over and end up singing “Hugh’s sorry now!”
Brilliant poem sir, long may you Rock & Roll!

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/my-degeneration-by-the-hugh/