
Orphan Boy

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Homes like match sticks swept away,
When the typhoon struck that day.
Now Jai is an orphan boy,
With no home ! lost every toy.
The one he prized over all,
Was his brand new birthday ball.
Like all boys he had his dream,
To one day play for a team.
With no kin he searched all day,
For his ball now swept away.
Days went by, now in dispare.
He could not find it any where.
Dusk was near where could it be.?
He saw it stuck up in a tree.
He held it like it was gold,
His smile something to behold.
Now as darkness softly creeps,
He holds the ball and he sleeps.
For though he”s lost and is sad,
It reminds him of his dad.


There are over one milliom eight hundred orphans in the Phillipines after the recent typhoon.You can imagine them looking through the wreckage of there once homes and nearby to try to find something from the past to cling to,to remind them when they were a once happy family unit.
We all keep momentos of the past that bring back fond memories.


Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/orphan-boy/