
Swimming In The Red Sea

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Pushing through waves of nostalgia and memories
Shankly and Paisley Joe Fagan he smiles
Old leather Caseys and black and white diamonds
Silver world cup coins nicotine pies
Freezing to death by the banks of the Mersey
But those silver cups all worth the wait
A bag of soggy chips and tizer for afters
Swapping cards in the street with a few of me mates
Patches I stitched on the back of me wrangler
The LiverBird proud on the chest of me shirt
Dodging the fare on the bus down the town
Breathless at Anfield gave thanks to be there.


Parry Maguire (2004)

“When the river is flowing downwards, then you must swim against the tide. When it’s flowing upwards, you must paddle stronger in the opposite direction.” Rafa Benitez

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/swimming-in-the-red-sea/