
The Final Whistle.

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 The City streets are silent now
As when I called out the name
For I get no response now
And it is not quite the same.
For the ECHO is gone now
And that’s oh such a shame
Once part of the fabric
Of the once beautiful game.
For the ECHO is gone now
The famous paper’s no more
Consigned to the history books
Like the old Roker Roar
So now I’ll mourn your passing
And no doubt shed a tear
Gone along with the shipyards
On the banks of the Wear.


It’s sad that the last Sunderland Echo football pink has been printed after it was first published in 1907.On the famous day back in 1973 when Sunderland beat Leeds Utd 1-0 in the F.A.cup final sales of the echo topped 100,000 copies. Sadly another football institution now only a memory.

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Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/the-final-whistle-4/