
The Oldest Football Club

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 There is something that I know,
Because the Bible tells me so,
In Luke 11 and Matthew 12,
You will find if you delve,
Words about “Queen of the South”,
Which came out of Jesus’ mouth,
Based on ancient Sheba’s Queen,
And the wisest King the world had seen.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Now the good Queen lived in days BC,
So it appears logically,
That despite some others’ claim
To the glory and eternal fame,
Of being football’s oldest team,
Without doubt it would seem,
This recognition and renown
Goes to the club from Dumfries town!


Notes by Reverend Arthur Twaddle of the Parish of Lower Merkin:
King Solomon, a Biblical figure renowned for his wisdom, lived in times BC and was visited by the Queen of Sheba. In the Old Testament the books of 1 Kings Chapter 10 and 2 Chronicles Chapter 9 when describing this visit, refer to the “Queen of Sheba” but do not use the term “Queen of the South”. In the New Testament however, Matthew Chapter 12 Verse 42 and Luke Chapter 11 Verse 31 refer to “Queen of the South”. Some followers of the Argentine club Corinthians claim that their club is “The only team in the Bible.” This is clearly not so and in addition the books of Corinthians 1 and 2 come well after those of Matthew and Luke. Scottish club Queen of the South therefore appears to have a good claim to be regarded as “The world’s oldest football club”…

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/the-oldest-football-club/