
The Reeve’s Tale

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Derek Reeves and Alan Reeves were born not in Siam,
But Derek Reeves and Alan Reeves were born to the same mam,
Derek Reeves and Alan Reeves, the football game they playye,
Derek Reeves and Alan Reeves, they faced each other todayye,
Derek played for Chesterfield and Alan for Swin-donne,
Derek scored for Chesterfield and Chesterfield wonne,
Proving to all Canterbury, this truth for kith and kinne,
That when it comes to footballe, Who Dares Twinnes.


The 4th. time they have faced each other, apparently. If Chesterfield’s church spire straightens, then the 5th. will go Swindon’s way -according to Nostradamus, anyway.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/the-reeves-tale/