
The Special Ones

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 We tried to sign The Special One to manage TFC.
Replied, “The MLS is not a stage that’s fit for me.”
“Perhaps the Board now taps Rob Ford. Necessity demands it.
We’re like twins, us; we park the bus, in football and in transit.


The Special One – Needs no introduction.
Rob Ford – Needs no introduction.
TFC- Toronto Football Club (not to be confused with “TTC”, Toronto Transit Commission or “Take The Car”, according to an old Toronto joke).
Mayor Ford’s appearances in the news include an occasion when TTC buses were commandeered to transport the players of a high school (North American) football team the mayor coached (the Toronto Police subsequently took responsibility for the order) and his insistence that the solution for Toronto’s transit woes is more subways and buses (but fewer streetcars). Critics have suggested that Mayor Ford’s buses will remain parked (like Mourinho’s) due to gridlock.

Come to Toronto. See TFC. Leave early. TM

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/the-special-ones/