
Where are they now? Famously bemused!

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 1. Christopher Sobbin’, but now it’s only with pooh sticks,
that he gets his kicks
2. Christy Burlington, a model player, long and leggy
3. The great pretender, Chrissie Hynd, not so much left full,
as left behind
4. Kris Kindle, every pass, a gift wrapped present, to the opposition
5. Good Evans, the pied piper, Ginger and hyper
6. Toe knee Christie, is this the way to ‘ammer Villa?
to sweet referee, who waits for me
7. Christy, more of the same, boy could he hum,
but try beating the man and not the drum
8. Kris Akalakabusi, hurdles all before him, first to the jacuzzi
9. Spinford Christie, sprints off with a great will to win,
but is that a lunchbox, down by his shin?
10. Christian Baarnaard, a hole-hearted player
operates well under pressure
11. Christofe Lambert, swings his way through wooden defences
If only he’d score as his body tenses
Too pre-occupied with his celebratory refrain
Me Tarzan, you Jane!


An even more lamentable response, to the Melksham U-12’s poem, which reported a team solely of Christophers!

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/where-are-they-now-famously-bemused/