
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of Paul Garratt

    Paul Garratt published a poem on the site Football Poets 8 months ago

    Early excitement
    Small squad proves predictable
    ‘Beamish Line’ beckons

  • Profile picture of Niall Machin

    Niall Machin became a registered member 8 months ago

  • Profile picture of Paul Garratt

    Paul Garratt became a registered member 8 months ago

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    At Selhurst Park they sent Dom off,
    Though it was ne’er a foul.
    They’re threat’ning yet more points to dock,
    They kick us when we’re down.

    But we are made of steely stuff,
    We’ve got hairs on our […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    A.I. is a saviour and the new soccer sleuth,
    here to solve online searches for footballing truth.

    So, is the Golden Boot made of real gold?
    Can a 47-year-old be trusted to play well in goal?

    Did Hungary […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Crispin Thomas commented on a poem on Football Poets 8 months, 1 week ago

    You’re right of course Joe but…..it’s actually more of a big welcome break for everyone who is not into Premier League ..I’m talking fans of EFL National League and below…..

    Btw …is this actually your […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    So what’s next on the itinerary
    For the Premier League
    Yes of course
    A welcome break
    Besides Saudi deserts
    Or Manchester City’s
    Oil fields of
    Superabundant cash
    Millions of lifestyles
    Bathed in the […]

  • Profile picture of Graham Salter

    Graham Salter commented on a poem on Football Poets 8 months, 2 weeks ago


  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Crispin Thomas commented on a poem on Football Poets 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    There’s something so evocative and  nostalgic for football fans the world over, in ‘revisiting’ old lost  grounds.

    Occasionally some  remnants remain,  with perhaps part of a wall or part or a stand or thre sha […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    You must have heard the rumour
    It’s out there in the public domain
    Everybody’s talking about it
    It’ll dominate the back pages
    For one sumptuous weekend
    In football’s golden carriage
    It’s FA Cup third round […]

  • Profile picture of Jim Bellew

    Jim Bellew became a registered member 8 months, 2 weeks ago

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    Too good to go down,
    too bad to stay up, and
    mid table mediocrity,
    isn’t for the likes of us.

    Lost the dressing room,
    thrown away the plot,
    our misfiring forwards,
    cock up (almost) every s […]

  • Profile picture of John Ellis

    John Gilbert Ellis commented on a poem on Football Poets 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    A great idea and well executed. Thanks Graham.

  • Profile picture of Graham Salter

    Mr Wordsworth walks to Bolton
    He wandered lonely as a cloud
    At evening in the encroaching dark
    When all at once he saw a crowd
    A floodlit game at Burnden Park!
    “Dine at the Packhorse” along the roof
    The dri […]

  • Profile picture of Alex Saynor

    On this island, is it Saints or Pompey,
    what do you say? Don’t ask me, my friend;
    I’m a Bournemouth fan from Alum Bay.

    When you look north, from Cowes,
    or east, from Ryde, I’m around the headland
    at Chilt […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    It’s the ultimate tartan derby
    This lunchtime
    Celtic against Rangers
    It goes as far back
    As the beginning of time
    Or seemingly so
    The Auld Firm derby
    But not quite
    Auld Lang Syne
    That’s for another […]

  • Profile picture of Rowan Waller

    Oh! That groan and satisfying clunk of the turnstile;
    milling crowds of folk wrapped up in scarves and beanie hats,
    catching up on this and that as if it’s been a while,
    although, of course, it’s only been a f […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    It was 60 years ago today
    Sergeant Peppers was hardly
    A child of nature
    Let me introduce to you
    The one and only
    West Ham United
    Boxing Day bonkers
    The heaviest battering
    Of modern times
    Confidence shot […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    joe morris published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 months ago

    And so we think back wistfully
    To those nostalgia laced days
    When football used to be played
    On Christmas Day
    It was you know
    Now how did that one work?
    When turkeys languished in
    Ovens ready to be […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    one Christmas in the trenches
    they stood in mud and sand
    their loved ones and their football
    a distant far off land –
    the snow lay thick as thick could be
    a bitter chill did spread
    behind the sand bags and t […]

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