
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Days to go before
    The arrival of
    A marathon
    On our doorstep
    Claret and blue
    Beads of anxiety
    Pour from beleaguered
    Brows of sweat
    Summer dwindling
    And the hopes
    Of West Ham
    In dizzying confusion
    A […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ~ England 0-0 Nigeria (4-2 pens)

    rollercoaster time
    second best and down to ten
    Kelly sees us through


    ~ Australia 2-0 Denmark ~

    Bold Matidas shine
    Danes go out without a […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    Denys E. W. Jones commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year, 1 month ago

    Don’t worry Apollo, I have examined the evidence on YouTube – he looks great, the real deal!

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    They’ll never know how much we love ’em.
    Never know how much we care.
    But when they step out on the Hallowed Turf,
    We get a feeling that’s beyond compare.

    They give us Fever, in the p.m.,
    Fever under […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    So football resumes in the lower sculleries
    While the butlers and cooks downstairs
    Work themselves into the ground
    Porters and proletariat
    Can only gaze with admiration
    At the insanely wealthy elite
    In the […]

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    Meet in the pub before the match
    talk football over a beer,
    then sink a few more
    as the ground is ever so near.
    Meet in the pub before the match
    just got in before the heavy rain,
    time to drink some pints […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ~ South Korea 1-1 Germany ~

    Auf Wiedersehen Pet

    South Korea defy the odds

    Germany are gone


    ~ Morocco 1-0 Columbia ~

    in the streets and fields

    from Tangiers to […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    You can feel it in the bones
    Your red and white blood cells
    Your leucocytes, your hormones
    And chromosomes
    Football in your face again
    Overwhelmingly in
    Charge of proceedings
    Half times, kick offs
    Corner […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ~ China 1-6 England ~

    Lionesses purr

    roaring through to last sixteen

    Lauren James sublime


    ~ Haiti 0-2 Denmark ~

    Harder shines for Danes

    Haiti leave with heads […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ~ Canada 0-4 Australia ~

    waltzing on they go
    bold Matildas find their best
    Canada are out

    ~ Ireland 0-0 Nigeria ~

    flying safely through
    Super Falcons battle on
    Ireland […]

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    We’re back in the year of 1966
    and I’m just a young lad,
    watching the World Cup Final
    on the telly with my mum and dad.
    It’s England v West Germany
    my dad’s drinking a bottle of beer,
    I’m lying down on the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    I’ll write on my own

    I’ll write on my own – whatever

    I’ll write on my own


    ~ Germany 1-2 Columbia ~

    history is made

    brave Columbia hit late

    to stun […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ~ England 1-0 Denmark ~

    stunning strike from James

    sees the Lionesses home

    China lie in wait ~


    ~ France 2-1 Brazil ~

    Renard nod for France

    steers them past a slick […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh for those rumours
    Whispers in clandestine
    Behind the scenes
    Rooms of bleary eyed
    Could somebody enlighten us
    This is the moment
    Where football jumps
    Onto that same bandwagon
    The land of […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    Time stood still at my home in Sarajevo

    The BBC WORLD Service announced
    “PAT NEVIN, a goal for Everton!”

    I started a delirious celebration on February 9 1991
    when PAT scored in the Merseyside Derby

    I […]

  • Profile picture of Kevin Halls

    It’s not just the players getting fit
    for a new campaign that’s nearly here,
    many supporters are also in training
    ready for all those pies and beer.
    They’ll be having pre – season sessions
    exercising to get […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Shocked to the core
    Trevor Francis
    An England legend now
    Passes into historic lore
    Sadly no longer with us
    At 69, tragically young
    A gentleman through
    And through
    Above the decadence
    Of the nightclub […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    one more legend gone

    suave and clinical always

    Forest through and through ~

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    rusty or off form?

    Lionesses underwhelm

    Haiti look the biz ~

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    so this is it – morning in July here
    Winter in Sydney now… nine hours ahead
    a celebration of the Women’s Game
    a record crowd all wrapped in scarves
    a waiting stadium excited for the night
    what’s not […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=18&offset_lower=14827