
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of Mike Bartram

    I saw people hug, their strength to share.
    The sense of grief, hung heavy in the air.
    I saw beautiful flowers in the Spring sun.
    I saw the damage ‘Hillsborough’ had done.

    I saw people reaching out to […]

  • Profile picture of Mike Bartram

    On to 97 Avenue, I made my way.
    Thinking of something new to say.
    As over 34 years, I’ve said it all.
    Same emotions with every roll call.
    Only so many prayers that I know.
    Only one place where they can […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    on any street at any time
    and right across the world
    you’ll see them glaring from the shirts
    of grown ups boys and girls
    these gambling match day sponsors
    who boldly underline
    that betting is for e […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    The relegation battle
    A yearbook of pain
    Thoughts about the past
    Warm spring and the end of the season
    The oversea Premier League television audience
    The 80s
    The 90s
    Golden Kendall’s boys
    Bob […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh for the teeth clenching
    Agonising, hiding behind
    Transistor radios that are
    A traditional metaphor
    For the last day of the
    Premier League season
    Finger nails bitten
    In chronic anxiety
    But today, the […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Deeper and deeper
    West Ham plunge into
    The abyss, spiralling
    Out of control
    Help goes the cry
    For this was the ultimate
    Warning, lose today
    And it could be curtains
    Loose draperies,
    The end of the […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    You didn’t think it would ever happen
    Yet here we are
    Just over a decade later
    Relegation in claret and blue clothes
    West Ham, now cloaked in bleakness,
    Darkness in dingy melancholy
    Brooding desperately on […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    The tears and bombs have fallen
    Across the bleeding fields of
    Ukraine, unbearably and agonisingly
    For seemingly ages now
    But last night the lone voice
    Of civility and compassion
    Rang around North […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    once in a blue moon

    comes a day when you can say

    oh yes I was there

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    So he stood on the shoulders of the heads
    Of giants, a colossus supreme
    A footballing Titan
    Record breaker
    The all time England goal scorer
    Now 54 goals not out
    Harry Kane
    The ultimate citizen
    If only […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    Is there something
    in common between Lineker
    Tom Sawyer and Mark Twain

    They are all the characters
    of the important story

    Among the desperete refugees
    there are Mark Twain readers

    What is the Tweet […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    And so we move to the last four
    Of the FA Cup, the semi finalists
    Seamlessly right
    Continuity assured
    Deeply woven into FA Cup history
    Firstly Brighton and Manchester United
    4O years since poor Gordon […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Yes folks it’s that time again
    The sack race, unfair dismissal
    Your only conclusion
    Since Patrick Vieira was our
    Honourable friend
    Admirably gifted
    Hugely intelligent
    What more could he have
    Done at the […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    If you think that hungry schoolkids
    Do not get enough to eat,
    And you’re a famous footballer,
    It’s easy – write a tweet.

    If you reckon Generation Z
    Enough books do not read,
    And you are a comedian, […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Ah, all is forgiven
    In Beeb towers
    Gary Lineker, free
    Liberated by those
    Who refused to understand
    Leicester’s favourite son
    Released, no longer
    Captive in a language
    Twisted by those who
    Believed words […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    It seems like forever
    that we’ve heard that iconic-goose-bump-inducing signature tune…..
    followed by incumbent presenter welcoming us all
    to edited highlights, mapping a ball
    then cameras rol […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    BBC confirm

    here within our national game

    free speech ain’t allowed ~

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Match of the Day subbed
    Bargain Hunt The Repair Shop
    Euphemisms, natch.

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh Aunty Beeb
    What a kerfuffle and rumpus
    Silence falls across
    TV’s football landscape
    The rocks, boulders and valleys
    Now barring the way
    For Messrs Lineker, Wright
    And Shearer
    Football’s militant trade […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh woe West Ham
    It feels like sackcloth and ashes
    Fond childhood reminiscences
    Of eating what looked like
    Wood shavings or the pencil
    Sharpener remnants for breakfast
    Doctor insisted you were lacking […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=22&offset_lower=14739