
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Twas Christmas Day in the workhouse
    Or maybe not
    And Boxing Day in the
    Kosher jam doughnut factory
    For Chanukah
    Last candles of uplifting light
    And yet on Christmas Day
    When once the trains ran
    And […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    one club man our George

    gentlemanly on and off

    his old Cottage pitch ~

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh no. Not another one
    And then there were two
    George Cohen
    Slips peacefully and modestly
    From our radar
    Into the football heaven
    Where the rest of the 66
    World Cup brotherhood
    Have now been laid to […]

  • Profile picture of Mike Bartram

    I wrote nothing of the footy on the pitch.
    I wrote about the greed and the filthy rich.
    On the pitch upsets, meant nothing to me.
    I wrote about the spineless and liars to see.

    Not a word […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Wow, now that was a World Cup Final to treasure
    For eternity, a football masterpiece
    Defying superlatives, pronouns
    Metaphors, similes
    The laws of gravity almost
    Since the Empyrean heights
    Have been reached […]

  • Profile picture of Alex Saynor

    Wembley you’ve been livin’ hell to me
    with your Hanger Lane gyratory
    traffic for no reason, regardless of the season,
    and the IKEA cafe’s run out of lingonberry.

    Wembley, I hate every inch of you.
    Your […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Colourful expletives pierced the air
    After witnessing a scene said, geezer write…
    Reminded of committed halcyon days
    A sly dig in the ribs, a clump, affrays
    Agin a whizz-kid, HP boots chalk dusted […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Carefree…plagued by player injury
    We are the famous WW.C(rocked).F.C
    Another bod hits the sod, gets up looking lame,
    Gaffer said, ”Best bell, Kev,
    Get that spring chicken out a bedH
    Maybe he’s free Satad […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    whose ground this is I surely know
    unrecognizable in snow
    and I my glee can barely hide
    to find these gates all open wide
    my little dog must think it strange
    to stop with neither fan nor game
    he gives his […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Back from Brazil and Rio
    And the high seas
    The land of samba and sensuality
    My lovely wife and I
    Where the arcadian rhythms
    Of South American dance
    And music hugged the Copacabana
    But this year the boys […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    SF1: MmmmMessi

    Messi’s magical masterclass…
    More memorable than most?
    Mesmeric in front of the masses
    Mercurial medallist dumbfounds (immoral) host

    Morocco’s momentum
    Offers a modicum of optim […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Southgate, Waddle, Pearce and Kane.
    AKA, The four horsemen o’ the missed spot-kick
    Are being lined up in brown paper bags, if their egos fit?
    To advertise Pizza Hut, in a lucrative comedy skit
    Oh my…what an […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    Shakespeare in living memory
    Miroslav Krleza in living memory
    Mladen Delic in living memory
    Croatia always
    Samba during the World Cup
    Josip Broz Tito somewhere in memory

    Shakespeare inspires us
    Miroslav […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    On another day…an able Kane
    Could have, would have won the game
    After all a second pen? Is a cinch, a cert, a doddle?
    Alas, the England skipper blew his chance,
    Of extra time against a fast-fading F […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    Sat 10/12/2022
    France 2-1 England

    For me, that was even stevens
    Two great teams, giving it their all
    Just what you want
    When it comes to the very best of football

    But then….
    Where there’s nothing to cho […]

  • Profile picture of Denys E. W. Jones

    Who wants to lead the Tour de France
    Or Fifteen Hundred Metres?
    Who wants to head the Marathon,
    And seem like a world-beater?

    How ’bout top spot in Premiership,
    In Serie A or B?
    I tell you, in the […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    I am not watching football
    I am listening the live Radio commentaries
    That is Radio Zagreb 2
    outside of home
    At the street
    Croatia equalised at the
    end of the Extra time
    to shock Brazil and theirs […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    Messi, Messi, Messi,
    Bless he, bless he, bless he
    Guess he, guess he, guess he
    Doesn’t need advice from me!

    And when you draw breath and think about it
    A misplaced pass from Messi
    Is about as commonplace […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    After the penalties
    between Croatia
    and Japan I was
    repeating the names
    Livakovic Liverpool
    Now Brazil lost
    I don t know
    after Brazil Croatia
    what to sing
    Is Livakovic now
    in this […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    There was a young fella named Bertie
    Whose predilection didn’t include Gertie(s)
    He went to Qatar
    They found him bizarre
    And now he’s banged up watching CR7 get shirty!

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=25&offset_lower=14673