
Clik the mouse

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    There’s a lot going on, out on the pitch
    To-ing and fro-ing
    Scenting and marking
    A multitude of personal battles
    As they hunt the ball

    Look at this pair –
    Chasing down the line
    Shoulder to s […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia
    small towns, small teams
    never featured in my dreams
    but I feel for them right now
    where the rampant fear, is that their touchlines
    will be masked by tank tread-lines
    spearheading an […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    We await, with baited breath
    The deal of the decade
    Nay, the deal of our history

    We await, on pain of death
    For a shining knight
    To gallop to our rescue

    We await, and all while, understand
    How beyond […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    10/03/2022. The British Government adds Roman Abramovich to their sanctions list.
    “It’s multi-layered, it’s huge and it affects every little area of the club.
    It’s cataclysmic for Chelsea. It’s unprece […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Who, or what
    could be better than Messi?!?!

    try me
    bed bound
    in the dead of night
    under the spotlight
    like Walter Mitty
    in a ditty

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 8 months ago

    verily, a take from the heart!

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 8 months ago

    Yes indeed we have!

    I’m just glad you weren’t among the “halftime and the crowd’s gone home”, but had pencil and paper, or notes on a phone, or just jotted – on a knotted hankie, whatever, that you stayed the […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 8 months ago

    Fantastic poem!

    From a glass full point of view….

    how many pools pundits have hollered “bingo” and toasted those nether regions as they discover that last intoxicating discovery of a matching score-draw!



  • Profile picture of Apollo Gees

    Covid has hit harder
    than a Chopper “intervention”
    but though some clubs have tip-toed out
    not everyone has been subject to suspension

    And it’s not all as mordant
    as a splenetic Morrissey melody
    for there […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 8 months ago

    Joe, that’s fabulous!


    For the first time since the time the song was released, I recently re-watched the video and had a mind to try a poem to match …. having seen this now, I’m glad I didn’t!

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Given the season (to be jolly, or not)
    I jingle
    more than I jangle
    so if you were
    to dangle
    a chance
    in front of me….
    I’d be the one
    blocking on the line
    the last ditch
    rather than
    the pre […]

  • Profile picture of A Bidewithme

    A Bidewithme commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 11 months ago

    A great poem from Llew Beaton.

    Andrew Watson was back in focus in 2021, see this related article….

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse published a poem on the site Football Poets 3 years ago

    As I carry the ball forward
    I survey all ahead of me – options to the left and to the right
    All angles of opportunity…
    Or, I consider the direct approach
    Like a dagger to the heart
    A full frontal assault on t […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    And what we live for….

    gobsmackingly gorgeous goals
    testy tenacious tackles
    freakishly flighted frees
    cunning curling corners
    perniciously potent penalties
    wickedly watchable wins
    pithily poetic p […]

  • Profile picture of U Rowe

    Haters gotta hate
    But the best rebuttals, come from the people
    The community who care
    The populace who placate, who wrap us up in a placenta of refuge
    Who swaddle with true warmth
    And draw us all […]

  • Profile picture of U Rowe

    It was meant to be coming home –
    it really was
    but then we lost our way
    the Sat Gav broke down
    and the AA rescue van, with Pickford at the wheel
    never made it past the pesky roundabout of penalties

    and s […]

  • Profile picture of U Rowe

    I’ve shredded wheat
    I’ve shredded steel
    But my shredded nerves
    Brought added zeal!

    A soft penalty?
    Well whether Scandinavian or Saracen
    They’d say melted ice cream –
    Solid by comparison!

    But it’s comin […]

  • Profile picture of U Rowe

    Is it coming home?
    Expectancy, fear and doubt
    Shout, let it all out

  • Profile picture of U Rowe

    “You crane your neck, and I’ll crane mine”
    and so we witnessed three headed goals
    nod after nod after nod
    all following a calming prod
    an early goal, from an up-front Harry
    the one so far, that Raz has had t […]

  • Profile picture of U Rowe

    And behold
    as the match unfolds….
    I didn’t even see the goals
    but those second half roles
    spoke volumes
    and I could see the score
    and heard no roar
    but the tension was taut
    Belgium fraught
    but the tec […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/clikhere/?acpage=3&offset_lower=14683