
Sharon Jones

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones changed their profile picture 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones became a registered member 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Whilst the world’s press
    fawn and fuss
    over Ronaldos moth
    And Bales manbun
    There is a football competition
    Going on in Glasgow
    Shirts of every colour blend
    Picasso cant keep up

    Football history is being […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    In goal there’s Nicko as steady as stone
    Swapped blue for white and found a new home
    Right back is Yatesy a machine scoring goals
    In the Cup he was magic as St Yates Day now known!

    From the youth ranks McGreal a […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Farewell Johan Cruyff
    You was a prince upon the park
    And how you lit those pitches up
    Left defences in the dark

    God bless you Johan Cruyff
    You gave us football with some clout
    And in the Orange of the […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    The Stanley Boys they make some noise
    And sing up for the team
    Red and White their flags unfurled
    And make the faithful dream

    For 90 minutes from the Kop
    The songs like hymns implore
    The Little Reds ATTACK […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Bill Shankly loved the auld red scarf
    A Scotsman proud he said
    Like Chairman Mao and Moses
    I stand before a mighty sea of Red

    Its colours hold the dreams of all
    Each heart in every thread
    And like a banner […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Perched on a wall
    Seven lads watching the game
    Bobble hats and bare knees
    In the wind and rain

    Seven little scallies
    Doing what lads do
    Watching the football
    On a Saturday afternoon

    Sat behind the goalie
    In […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Your kisses reign
    Like Fontaine’s goals
    Like Matthew’s ghost
    You race
    Across the pitches of my soul
    Like Bestie, full of grace

    Your laces twist
    Around my thoughts
    Like Roger Milla’s hips
    Between the goalposts
    Of […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    No not Matthews or Bowles
    But Accrington Stanley
    Ian Rush’s favourite Reds
    Oooo are dey?
    I hear ye cry
    Well look to your football history
    Take a trip down memory lane
    And with tones of the late Joe Gladwin
    Slip […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    As the seasons come then race away
    And hopes all turned to dust
    Fortunes made and fortunes spent
    Of titles won, and lost

    What price this love this fickle dream
    Which binds with such a bond
    That turns us all […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    Football needs its players
    Its fans to make the game
    Managers and referees
    Too numerous to name
    The scarf a must accessory
    Just like the football shirt
    But football boots and trainers
    Are clearly de […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    The technicolour black and white
    Diamond brilliance
    Of generations who stood
    On the terrace choir
    Throats blistered with unrequited passion
    Whilst its youth watched champions deposed
    And parliament auction the […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    Strawberry Fields and Walrus dreams
    And Shankly spoke of Billy Dean
    And Dalglish reigned our Anfield King
    And life was sweet, or so it seemed…

    Christ we know that troubles breed
    But seeds of love must yet […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    A team made from Lawler, Cally and Hall
    Ian St John and give Sir Roger the ball
    Big Tosh touches heaven and grazes his head
    Whilst King Kev passes Vogts and leaves him for dead

    There’s Terry Mac racing and […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    In the silence of that empty tomb
    From the blood shed from the cross
    It thunders through our history
    Reminds us of the cost
    It screamed beneath the Roman boot
    And banged against its marble walls
    It tore the chains […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    Sunday park leaguers
    Premier dreamers
    With Beckham’s hairstyles
    But not his goals
    The dead eye on managers
    Whose hearts win matches
    But whose tactics won’t
    And patience for sale
    For the price of 3 […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    I grew my hair long
    Like Charlie George
    Must have magical powers
    Long hair like that
    Like Samson
    Like Jesus
    So I let mine grow
    And yet the magician’s art
    For scoring goals still eluded me
    I knew the body […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    Football history tells its tales
    Of childhoods hope and dreams
    And there the same in black and white
    The boys of Irwell Springs

    Leather Casey’s caked like mud pies
    Knitted shirts that scratched and scra […]

  • Profile picture of Sharon Jones

    Sharon Jones published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    Anfield is my Haworth where Heighway
    Not Heathcliff thrilled my soul
    Anfield is my Heartland whose daffodils
    Are red flowers who blossom
    And bloom with passion
    Anfield is my Jerusalem
    Dalglish my arrow of burning […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=13&offset_lower=11078