
Sharon Jones

  • It is the mark of the man
    To be known by his deeds
    Not words
    When stars dipped down low in the sky
    Squinting and illuminated
    For one night in Istanbul
    Bringing auld Big Ears back home
    And we was fab again
    We sang […]

  • In the year of Our Lord nineteen fourteen
    The call came for lads to join up with a team
    So they packed up their boots with their hopes and dreams
    And they offered their hearts for the price of a shilling

    For the […]

  • The Gaza strip
    Should be a football shirt
    Of neutral colours
    One size fits all…

    Splattered with sweat
    Not sanctimonious lessons not learnt
    From history

    Worn with peace
    Not pieces of bodies

    Played on a p […]

  • The “Blonde Arrow”
    Brightest star
    Whose joy nursed the birth pangs
    Of football
    The apostle whose ministry preached
    The beautiful game
    With his boots wedded to the ball
    How well he would build the attack
    And sen […]

  • With my heart well and truly battered
    and sprung from nets of cynicism
    three-pronged desires of sovereignty
    I give to thee…
    Battered heart and fortress soul
    complicit with the shadows of
    the childhood ghosts […]

  • Moses plays for Liverpool
    And like the risen Christ
    The Red sea flows back senses alive
    And swells impregnated
    With the thirst of the many
    For the glory of the few.

  • I was caught up in the nets
    Of a soon to be broken
    Love affair
    And dizzy with desire
    I was distracted
    Suarez’ scalpel boots scythed
    Through defences
    And cut me free.

  • Just three words
    Batter my heart
    I love you
    This is Anfield
    We Go Again.

  • How he turns this trickster
    His boots wedded
    To the dreams of Kopites
    Batter my heart with your free kicks
    Batter my heart with your impish guile
    Batter my heart with your reckless dives
    Whilst I, mesmerized,
    Can […]

  • Your eyes sparkle
    Like a Sterling trick,
    Your hair curls like
    A Suarez free kick,
    Skin as smooth as a Dalglish turn
    My love for you, it burns, it burns.

    I see you in dreams,
    Your beauty like
    A thirty yard, […]

  • The sleeping giant
    That roared your legend again and again
    With passion and muscle and faith
    Opened the arms of a town
    Built from the invincible bastion
    Of victory
    To robe all in the lilywhite
    The original dream […]

  • The most cultured of pearls
    The quiet boy whose questioning eyes
    Watched the brilliance of the stars
    Shine out from the dark Mozambique nights
    To become one of their number
    He who thundered in goals
    With a dignity […]

  • Football
    Is a noisy philosophy
    A wheel of fire
    That burns its fireworks
    In the boots of legends
    And the hearts of fans
    Where names inscribed on the soul
    Shine immortal
    With the ghosts
    Of football past.

  • Did not play much football
    And when he raced across Strawberry Fields
    He ghosted between the spaces of childhood
    Slipped unnoticed behind the gaps
    Where nothing is real
    Except the Eccho of the past
    He didn’t […]

  • Hendrix covers little wings
    Whilst Elvis just gets fat
    Little Richard pounds the net
    Chuck Berry you just can’t catch

    Jerry Lee with balls of fire
    He rattles up and shakes
    Jim “The Lizard” Morrison
    Who dreams […]

  • Come back Kenny
    And turn defences dizzy
    With your Presley hips
    As your magic dazzles all who watch

    Come back Kenny
    And once more your name an anthem
    Reaches the Red skies from throats
    Blistered with hope and […]

  • The magician di Stefano
    White arrow silver string
    From the burning bow
    That is the Madrilenos
    And Gento his flamboyant colours
    Brave as Picasso and passionate as Lorca

    Kopa came out from the mines a miracle made […]

  • From the echoes of childhood those songs sing to me
    The pitches of tarmac whose stones cut my knees
    The wind and the rain would never deter
    And the mud that stuck to me clung fast to my shirt
    I would turn to my […]

  • The dreaming of peace that is heaven
    An elegant pause in the light
    A bright shining star in the silence
    That burns in the dead of the night
    A voice then but quietly whispers
    And comforts my doubts and my […]

  • Some they will look to the peace of the dreaming
    Solace to anguish a balm to the soul
    The sighs of the heart will entwine ever shadow
    Implore of the moon with a prayer wildly thrown
    The thunder of passion is an […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=16&offset_lower=13790