
Sharon Jones

  • Senna conducts
    Villa the virtuoso violin
    Fabregas sublimely plays
    Torres one single note of perfection.

  • Now that’s the job for me
    In praise of Bob and Liverpool
    Of all things Shankly

    A job well Donne the chants declare
    For Dalglish rules supreme
    A Prince among the terrace Kop
    The people and their King

    The boots […]

  • The season pitters down to a handful of games
    A pocketful of passes
    A collection of corners
    A gaggle of goals
    Points lost and won
    Totting up totals and
    Working out whether
    You, like Arnie, will be back
    Daft […]

  • Paul Scholes
    Would grace any side
    That much is certain
    And against Barca
    His 100th European game
    How fitting the Nou Camp scribes
    Should choose his name
    To grace headlines
    Not for diving cheating or prancing
    But […]

  • He smiles
    Like a gravedigger with a new shovel
    Is he about to bury Liverpool
    And exorcise the ghost of Jose.

  • If only JAR had used his head

    And practised with his right foot

    We would have a leg

    To stand on…

    Are we now left facing

    A Bridge too far…

  • Like Blek le Rat
    Ronaldo slips through walls
    Beckham bent ’em
    Roberto Carlos went round ’em
    And Shearer’s cannons tore ’em down
    From Berlin to Bejing
    From Gaza to Gazza
    Walls are for artists
    Banks and Banksy […]

  • Sometimes Football transcends its tribalism
    ‘Breaks its rusty cage’ and calls to its soul
    Whatever the colours, scarves, songs
    In a gesture that remembers the fallen
    Not as rivals but friends, sisters, brothers
    In Football.

  • Seems so easy to type that word
    A selection of letters in black print
    And yet 19 years on from the first time
    I wrote Hillsborough
    There remains a space
    Because the word Justice
    Is still missing.

  • This Athletico youth
    Shapes dreams and hopes
    In a flurry of goals and kisses blown
    Like clouds and storms that cease
    In the promise of a false dawn
    Yet the record stands
    First season stats suggest
    Substance and […]

  • It must be painful and ever so galling
    For a gaffa of Wenger’s true calling
    Champions League dreams still stalling
    Postmatch he is simply appalling
    Excuses Excuses he’s trawling
    The walls of the pressroom he’s […]

  • The clock is ticking
    Will ’89 be avenged
    Kop will see, shortly.

  • “Remove the bias from your own eye
    And then you may well see the bias in mine”
    Arsene sponsored by specsaver
    I think not
    For it’s all so clear
    He’s rattled
    Scrapping for excuses
    Blaming an ‘uneven playing […]

  • The ‘penalties’ that were not given
    Misplaced tackles halting flare
    Offside goals and such decisions
    Wenger sees them mark my words
    Oh woe is Arsenal 20 passess
    Cross the park and Theo flies
    Henry’s gone his ghost […]

  • Broken hearted by many a result
    Mis-timed tackle
    Mis-placed pass

    Full hearted display
    Blood and thunder
    Boots and glory, they say

    Feint hearted didn’t turn up
    Turned back and let the oppo’s strikers
    Fill their […]

  • Goodbye Robbie Fowler
    Farewell Ian Rush
    So long Michael Owen
    We loved you once, enough

    Goodbye Kevin Keegan
    Sir Roger leave your crown
    There’s a new kid scoring goals for fun
    A king to please the crowd

    Torres […]

  • A new gold angel
    A true kop idol

    Rushie’s shirt
    And Robbie’s too

    Those miracles lead to heaven son
    Or Moscow, we will see.

  • Shankly making the people happy
    Mooro pristine in his tackles and kit
    Banks of England safest pair of hands
    Chippy Brady darting over the pitch
    Adams as stoical as the house made of bricks
    Football to me

    Paisley […]

  • Is a thing of beauty
    A goalden boot glory bound
    A gasp of breath from Moses
    Whilst God watching with the Babes
    Rubs His eyes in disbelief.

  • It is said that football supporters
    Grow to resemble their clubs
    But what if your club has seen
    Better days distant glories
    Is there still a chance to dream
    To put on the slap
    Dust down the stadium
    Repair the […]

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=18&offset_lower=4319