
Sharon Jones

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    Sol Campbell hides his springs well
    He rarely ever shoots
    Pure muscle on the 10 yard line
    His head as hard as boots
    Quiet like but what a man
    The 2 goals in the pot
    The Highbury Library stood to cheer
    Moysie’s […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    Moyes is back down to the dust
    His wings clipped by 5 goals
    The Toffees hopes they came unstuck
    They need a friend to phone
    EasyJet will sponsor them
    For European jaunts
    That last as long as MFI’s
    Lamenated […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    Dream of dreams
    Racing across the eternal pitch
    The promise Heaven sheathed
    And kept for the eyes
    Of her own terrace
    Sun moon merge into one
    Night day spin
    Whilst one star
    Shines out from time
    And memory
    Like […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 19 years ago

    There’s “Toilet Kids” who can’t sit down
    “Blanket Grandad” it’s cold at the ground
    “Giant Haystacks” knows it all
    “Spy Kid” shouts and screams and bawls

    The “Rattle Girl” winds up the front
    Whilst “Stella Boy” he […]

  • A murmur gathers on the breeze
    A voice behind the clouds
    A glimpse I see of heaven’s grace
    For heaven surely I am bound
    The dazzling light the homely charm
    The friends all gathered near
    Familiar faces all well l […]

  • Eyes cool as icicles
    Shining gold primed boots
    A nod to the terrace
    And then
    As the moon climbs
    Beyond the rain of clouds
    The striker heaven bound
    With quizzical limbs
    Hunts for goals
    In the swan silent
    Stealth of dreams.

  • It’s not in the blue of the sky up above
    It’s not in your shoes or boots or your gloves
    It’s not in the stones and the gravel of the park
    But in the blood and the faith that pours through your heart
    It’s not in […]

  • Down the Walton Breck Road the red scarves fill the air
    Mates meet with mates and legends are shared
    A pint at the Albert a chance for a song
    The faces familiar and each face belongs
    Through the gates of Bill […]

  • The lads in the gold shirts
    Dance Samba rhythms
    But “Digger” he wore Red la
    This is Anfield rap like
    The brilliance of miracles
    A mould broken
    And a pair of football boots
    Made up in Brazil.

  • The “Golden Bomber”
    From whose graceful crop
    Came the rich harvest
    Of goals
    The yellow fire
    Illuminated with
    Dreams of glory
    Outshining the noise
    From the turbulent terrace.

  • Footballer
    Unfasten your wings
    And lace up your boots

    Burst forth
    Boots stinging
    To ignite dreams

    The slow shadows
    Of defences crouch beside
    The dust of your studs.

  • Cloudbursts, rainbows and genius
    With the ball stitched to your toes
    On invisible threads
    Wove a tapestry of brilliance
    As those twisted limbs unraveled
    To reveal such beauty
    Gracing football pitches
    A fast […]

  • England’s “Artful Dodger”
    Goalmouth pickpocket
    Whose boots packed
    With beestings and fireworks
    Bewitched a terrace
    Heavy with anticipation, hope
    And nicotine.

  • The man in black

    “The Octopus”

    with the feline vertebrae

    whose elastic muscles flexed

    with lithe perfection

    to slide through skin

    into legend


    like the decadent slide

    of a jazz trombone.

  • Twisting and turning
    Like a sidewinder
    Total football
    Upon a canvas
    Silent as stars
    Creating light from darkness
    Not quite God perhaps
    But just as Heavenly.

  • The ink is dry upon the page
    The date to sign is set
    The medical is going well
    At least that’s what is said

    Soon we’ll get the soundbites
    The newspin and the like
    The badge is kissed a shirt is signed
    Oh hype oh […]

  • The quietly spoken Cid
    Man of passion and vision
    Building dreams
    Down by the banks
    Of The Mersey
    Arrogance declares by words
    Genius delivers by deeds.

  • A ball motionless on the pitch
    Hunting boots sniffing out goals
    Laced with the scent of glory
    Beckons towards the
    Creator of Dreams
    Shaping history from angles
    To nestle in the immortal world
    Of past and […]

  • The Premiership is up and running
    Like groundhog day we all return
    To moan and groan about the prices
    It seems as fans we never learn
    Ah well it’s for the glory moments
    Silver cups and titles won
    God loves a trier […]

  • The footballing gods have a humour
    And relish the chance one again
    To join with the kopites at Anfield
    And mingle with Jose’s blue men
    Rafa will sort us out sound
    Before we head off to the Bridge
    And Jose wrapped […]

  • Load More

Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=20&offset_lower=4359