
Sharon Jones

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    They have lost the habit of losing
    And boring 0-0 draws
    They’re classsy sassy full of fire
    Think Henry when he scores
    So what if passions flare and scorch
    Those gallic souls so frail
    It’s all for one and one for […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    The curling swirling free colours
    Of a Wayne Rooney goal
    Perfect symmetry coming together
    Like the shades of a rainbow
    The arc of a free kick
    Stretching over the agonised fingers
    Of the goalkeeper…
    Those […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Shankly’s spirit looks down from high
    It’s been 23 years since he said goodbye
    And now in heaven with Bob and Joe
    He cheers the Reds through rain and snow
    The days are quieter titles scarce
    But history’s lessons […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    That blessed head
    Netting goals
    Like fishes and loaves
    Galilee’s fishermen
    Looked on in envy
    For by the banks of the Mersey
    You were catching men’s souls.

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Fiery red hair
    Matched the red shirt
    And burning boots
    Like Blake’s arrows
    You fed our desire
    And flamed our dreams
    A pitch scorched with passion
    The Kop roared, roared you on
    And as Razor cajoled the ball
    Your […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Scottish Steel and Irish Fire
    Both now new weapons must acquire…

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    A voice that whispered in my ear
    Spoke: “Those of faith will all meet here”
    The Shankly Gates flung open wide
    My Father’s Ghost waits there inside
    And home the heart whose passions spent
    And followed love as […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Stop the world for a moment
    Drag down the boundaries and fences
    Pull up the stone barriers and rip up the flags
    Dispense with slogans and spin
    Bin the logos and neon spanglers
    Pull down the billboards and […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    All of life
    Coursing through
    Each thirsty vein
    Binding dreams
    And racing off down a road
    That opened its journey
    Upon the shoulders
    Of the broad elephantine figure
    The little cannon
    Carrying a nations desire
    Hopes […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Dancing through defences
    The easy rhythm
    Poured from the
    Ancestral soul
    Whose bright colours
    Spoke the strength of sun
    The breath of blood
    The joy of earth
    Packed into those tireless boots
    So richly blessed.

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    The old knees
    with their battle-weary scars
    That spoke so many grand stories
    The voice gentle as velvet
    Yet not always so secure
    and the rogue’s heart
    that took to wandering
    with a smile
    with a shrug
    carried the p […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    The patron saint
    Of aerial combat
    His tireless lion heart
    Pursued lost causes
    With the passion of St. Jude
    And gave them all a home.

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    The loved man
    Whose vigorous limbs
    Moved with a sensual fever
    Across the fertile turf
    Eager to touch his golden boots
    Ran off the beat and the breath
    And the dreams of the passionate hearts
    Gathered upon the […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Just being you
    Wearing the same red shirt
    Borrowing your name and angles
    Making me good at maths
    On a football pitch
    I was a ghost stitched to your shadow
    Copying every move
    Awkward growing limbs
    Hesitant but […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    The town is culture to a core
    Blue or red through Lennon’s door
    The Cavern stage is set to see
    Another saint, so let it be

    The snarling wisdom, sarky verbs
    My working class summed up in verse
    Yea Anfield’s green […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Up and down towns Saturday
    Shops bristle with a quieter life
    Roads congest a little less
    Whilst at football grounds
    Hearts and Souls meet
    Join in prayer and love
    And bond hope with faith
    As songs break through […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Strong in defence
    Kept his head and used it wisely
    Not scared to go out alone
    And create myriad chances
    Upon dusty neglected pitches
    And with one perfect piece of precision
    Connected God Man and Football
    A pulse […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    We’ll sing a song, a Kopites song,
    With cheering rousing chorus,
    As round our blazing fires we throng,
    The starry heavens o’er us;
    Impatient for the coming fight,
    And as we wait the morning’s light,
    Here in […]

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Sad red hearts strewn the length
    Of the East Lancs
    The chill wind of defeat catches throats
    Songs fall silent
    Yet none walk alone.

  • P Maguire published a poem on the site Football Poets 20 years ago

    Tell Heaven’s XI to get their
    Boots and shirts on
    The manager’s just arrived….

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/scousebanana63/?acpage=37&offset_lower=4699