
Poems tagged ‘Dreams’


This little-boy-masquerading-as-senior-citizen
still dreams –
but it seems
reality is ever more clear-cut;

for every piercing pain
or aching joint
brings an inevitablility of non-attainment
to this football-nut!

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Keep Football Out of The Bedroom

A tense game played out at top volume.
Weeds three feet high,
make tidy play almost impossible.

A pass back short, away from the defender.
A collective lunge,
the ball skids high over our keeper.

Next thing I know I’m flat on the floor,
water flying, books, electronics,
in upended uproar.

My desperate kick to save one for the team,
caused me to crash out of my bed,
and out of my dream.

My wife wondered what the noise was about.
I suggest foxes playing football,
in a late knockabout.

In a post-match interview, I was forced to admit,
my poor back pass caused the commotion,
and put me on my arse.

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Better than the real thing?

Who, or what
could be better than Messi?!?!

try me
bed bound
in the dead of night
under the spotlight
like Walter Mitty
in a ditty

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dream machine engages

there’s a stillness to the night –
sleep has zero’d in on the whole household
bar one
the night owl
the habitual moon-walker

and in the dying moments
afore they too join the slumber party
even the tiniest movements
create a deafening din

a twisting of a tap
and a waterfall spouts, torrents into the tumbler;
a rifling through pockets
for the softest of tissues
to dab the runniest of noses
sounds like a full-on firing range;

but despite all this uproar
the biggest racket is reserved
when finally the land of nod beckons
and the head nestles into duck-down wadding;
the eyelids flutter, then settle, open no more
but the dream machine engages
and over the shindig of snores
there’s the loudest of roars
when the Wednesdayite shoots and scores!

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/news/poem-tags/dreams/