
Poems tagged ‘Harry Kane’


Spurs have just beaten City…again
Dismissed by Guardiola as, “The Harry Kane Team”,
That’s four on the spin for the boys down The Lane
Whom appear, right on Song it would seem?

“We conceded due to loose balls”, reflects Pep
Interviewed on live television after yesterdays game
Hmm…that’s the best one I’ve heard from him yet
Does he mean like when England defeated The Danes?

Still, I’m sure Pep knows what he’s on about, but then again…

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When England Take On Italy (Again )

when England take on Italy
what’s there to worry you or me?
they are an unknown mystery
and have so little history
a well-trained dog is all we need
to teach us how to hold a lead
we better not play prettily
when England take on Italy

Oh Italy oh Italy
you’ve always been a bit dodgy
your Cosa Nostra Mafia show
your match-fixing so macho
your Berlusconi Mussolini
album stickers from Panini
Zola Pirlo Pavarotti
and Peroni with biscotti
cappuccino coffee creamy
basil pesto and linguini
Venitian squares canals and bars
where you could really use some cars
we cannot lose we cannot fail
and just like in that fairy tale
we have the coach to take us all
but will we turn up at the Ball?
I hope we don’t play dismally
when England take on Italy

oh Italy oh Italy
I’m struggling here to find or see
the slightest thing that you have done
except grow olives in the sun
and all those roads you built to serve us
aren’t enough to make us nervous
your awful leaning Tower of Pisa
the Roman Empire Julius Caeser
Panacotta Tiramisu
Pasta and Spaghetti too
Your tasteless tacky Gucci bags
cannot compare with our tea bags
which when we’re making up a brew
stay in the cup more than we do
I’m sure we’ll thrash them fifteen three
when England take on Italy

when England take on Italy
oh why should we sleep fitfully?
our history speaks for itself
look at the trophies on our shelf
we are the finest in the land
we’ve even got a brilliant band
no need for some Da Vinci Code
when Southgate’s Army hit the road
we know the ending to the story
England always grab the glory
we better not play prettily
when England take on Italy

So Italy yes Italy
go keep your perfume from Capri
your indoor fireworks Balotelli
all those works by Botticelli
and singing waiters swaying hips
cannot compare with pie and chips
and you can strut in your Armani
we’ve got vegan rolls and sarnies
your girls on mopeds flying past
in dresses screaming style and class
who wave and often whisper “Ciao!”
we’re far more cool in Stroud somehow
the Final holds no fear at all
we’re much more dangerous off the ball
and stick your marble heads in Rome
’cause we’ve got Kane and we’re at home
I’ll change my name to Penelope
when England conquer Italy

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An Exocet crashes neath a bar
Courtesy of a fledgling rising star
Progeny o’ Hans Christian Andersen’s wonderland
Portly partisan punters scream aghast
Having conceded one at last
Coming home, ain’t looking like the red-tops planned?

Suddenly…an O.G, a double dodgy dubious pen?
A more than able Kane, eventually prevails…again
The marauding Danes resolutely held at bay
A steely Southgate throws on an ace in guile
Forgoing a Jack oozing panache n style
To grind out a dour result, yet win the day.

Gareth’s ultimate goal, achieved,
A final reached, a nation mightily relieved
The curse of losing semi’s finally laid to rest
On Sunday evening Forza Azzurri, our foe
Past-masters in guile, stop, start, catenaccio,
Whom if we desire to be The Best? An awesome test.

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Stone Me!

Talisman Kane,
Yes, him yet again
Steers Ingerland one nil in front
To a cacophony of moaning n groans,
We cringe as a napping John Stones
Leaves us pole-axed to be perfectly blunt
The Three Lions beginning to tire,
Another Harry…this time Maguire
Atones, on behalf of Stones, being a chump.

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august August haiku

an august goal
in the eponymous month
monkey off Kane’s back

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WC2018 Day 25 FINAL – haiku

Parc de Triomphe
Mbappe inspires the Gauls
Allez Les Blues


Runners up, yet
Croatia proud as can be
Gave it their all


Got what we wanted
Six goal fitting finale
World Champions France


Final had it all
Six goals and V.A.R. too
French profit


Cryuff of the Balkans
Player of the Tournament
Runners up medal


Thibaut Courtois
Magnificent net minder
Golden Gloves award


Arise Sir Harry!
Six goals netted overall
Golden Boot award

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WC2018 Day 23 – Wish I Could Be Like…

I am a plain and simple fan
Loving the boy from down the Lane
The Queen wants to bid him “Arise”
And I’m hoping he’ll cause the Croats pain
And I wish I could be like Harry Kane

Fa, fa, fa
Fa, fa, fa

And when I lie on my pillow at night
I dream I could score like Harry Kane
I’d lead Gareth’s team to victory
And take my chances with goals to gain

(Wish I could be)
Conduct my life like Harry Kane
(Wish I could be)
I wish I could be like Harry Kane

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/news/poem-tags/harry-kane/