
Poems tagged ‘Yellow Army’

Live Streaming Away

It’s not easy being a live streamer,
not easy at all,

when hapless camera crews seem
incapable of following the ball
or wiping rain drops from the lens
while we can see nothing at all
or zoom so far from the action
we could be up a mountain in Nepal.

It’s not easy being a live streamer,
not easy at all,

when enjoying such poor sound, plus
punditry so partial it’s funnier
than the late Bobby ‘Rock on Tommy’ Ball.
To add insult to injury, the gall,
they’re charging us £9.99 to watch
this live football.

It’s not easy being a live streamer.
No, not easy at all.

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The Burger Bar

At the burger bar the cooks grill and fry
while the Yellow Army queue to buy –
chips with a beefburger, cheeseburger,
double cheeseburger, belly buster,
hot dog, or even a local pie.

Perhaps the steak pasties catch your eye,
but if you don’t want an animal to die
choose cheesy chips or a veggie burger
at the burger bar.

The prices charged are really not that high
though the fat levels may make your doctor sigh.
There are sauces to suit each supporter –
ketchup, mustard, H.P, salt and pepper.
Our half-time hunger we can all satisfy
at the burger bar.

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/news/poem-tags/yellow-army/