
I weep for football

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 I weep for football

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Football is dying, the game’s lost the plot
The powers that be? They care not a jot
The Premier League – a Millionaire’s Row
The seventy-two left just have to kow tow.
The small clubs may flounder, whilst seeking respite
The big clubs just laugh, and show their delight
As leagues one and two go under the cosh
The Premier League taking all of the dosh.
The money they spend on one single player
Could keep four CLUBS going, in place of a prayer.
Slowly, clubs vanish, slowly, clubs go
They scream “will you help us?” the big clubs shout “NO”
The more that we help you, the less there’s for us
We’re happy to throw you under a bus.
Top heavy and bloated, they don’t give a toss
They see lower leagues as nothing but dross
I weep for the game, I weep for the fans
All money goes upward, gets shovelled in vans
The cash pile grows higher, see how fast it can go
To agents and players based in Monaco

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 One day
The cash cow
Will die

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 I weep for football


‘buff said!

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/i-weep-for-football/