
Jurgen Klopp- the leader of the pack

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Jurgen Klopp, hey
A force of nature
Irrepressible as
The River Mersey
Impregnable as the
Albert Dock
But what a sight last night
Chelsea pummelled, rattled,
Traumatised perhaps
Battered and clobbered
Into submission
Liverpool in full
Stately sail
Last night
As the Blues
Blackened and bruised
Shiners in their
Swollen eyes
Defeat in sinking hearts
Agony and anguish
Within seconds of the
Full time whistle
But Anfield always reserves
Its admiration for the
Legends of the Boot Room
60 years ago Shanks
Presided over
A blooming empire
And always fondly
Eulogised for conquering
Winning the European Cup
One day
And then those
Renowned festivals
Of FA Cups in 65 and 74
A monument to grit and graft
Then cultured brilliance
When the League,
The old First Division that is
Was delivered in
The 1970s disco groove
Vast quantities so many times
That fingers are never enough
But last night Jurgen
Captured the morning headlines
In print and online
Thick forests of greying beard
Bristling with euphoric victory
Hairs on his head, grey, white and black
With the ravages of football’s
Wild roller coasters of fate
And fluctuation
Jurgen Klopp,
A picture of torment at times
But there he was
Grey puffa jacket hugging
The body honed
A temple that knows no bounds
In the latest TV
Ads of fighting fit
Gym bikes
But then you remembered
Bob Paisley as quiet as
A studious library
With encyclopaedic knowledge
Kenny Dalglish, always lively,
Happy go lucky, alert to
The cruelty of the Beautiful Game
And the darker moments
Idolised by the Kop
And winning engraved on his red
Sleeves of honour
But then there was Jurgen Klopp
Pump fisting the air over
And over again
Half heartedly last night
But the message was clear
Face wreathed in heavy metal
Privately suspecting that this
Could be his season again
After securing the Covid 19
Premier League title
Wandering across Anfield
And staring at his faithful
Before completing two full
Circuits of the half way line
Jurgen bursting with charisma
Four of the best for Liverpool
And of course
You’ll Never Walk Alone
The Kop in full throated
This could be another
Year of glittering jewellery
On Merseyside
But not if Arsenal or City
Can help it
Never rule out the favourites
Or Brando’s contenders
This Premier League title
Has legs and feet
Diesel in the tank
Petrol by the gallon
Potential to be
Astonishing in March,
April showers
And then sunshine
It could go to the wire
In Maypoles of May
Anybody’s guess
More helpings of excitement
The Premier League
It’s the best in the world


Liverpool blow Chelsea out of the water last night. Jurgen Klopp keeps fist pumping.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/jurgen-klopp-the-leader-of-the-pack/