
Leeds Year-end Figures Sound Extremely Scary

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Leeds year-end figures sound extremely scary
And life at Elland Road is getting hairy
10 games 8 points 2 wins 2 draws 6 losses
Is not a formula to please the bosses

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 The prospects of survival won’t be bonny
When yet more players vanish down the swanee
The Prof is working hard to sort the sad mess
While feeding turgid spin to halt the bad press

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 The problem is he wants to dump old Reidy
But comes across as wishy-washy weedy
These days the fans are hard-to-fool consumers
And weasel words will not dispel the rumours

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Their hard-earned brass is glugging down the plug hole
While lame excuses echo in their lug hole
Surviving in the Prem requires some gambles
But fans are underwriting all this shambles

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 The squad that were supposed to be contenders
Are putting on a show that’s quite horrendous
And now Viduka Robinson and Smithy
Look set to leave, I hope that’s not too pithy

6 Leave a comment on verse 6 0 The board announced a 4 mill cash injection
But that won’t help to lift the deep dejection
The thought of what’s befallen this proud Club
It’s quite enough to make a tough Tyke blub.


I’ve been chronicling Leeds Dreadful Year of 2003 on the fans message boards, particularly tott-reunited [NUFC] and waccoe [LUFC].

This poem was inspired by the endless talk of “the £80 million debt”,
and when the annual accounts were published in October, it was a good opportunity to do some topical financial stuff, as well as get in some shots about Reid and overall strategy.

October 2003

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/leeds-year-end-figures-sound-extremely-scary/