
Pitchless Blade

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 1 Football just in’t the same
behind virtual doors:
a flat screen can’t capture
that reyt roarin rapture
at beautiful downtown Bramall Lane

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Football just in’t the same
without filled up senses:
no sweet taste of victory
no making of history
at beautiful downtown Bramall lane

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 No, it just in’t the same
without cool, draught Magnet:
divine froth of gladness
to sooth all our sadness
at beautiful downtown Bramall Lane

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Football just in’t the same
without Praise or Grumble:
no Greasy Chip Butty
no home ground of Curry
that’s beautiful downtown Bramall Lane

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 Football just in’t the same
without our Captain Blade:
no chanting of Woodbine
no pinching of snuff time
at beautiful downtown Bramall Lane

6 Leave a comment on verse 6 0 Football can’t be the same
behind virtual doors:
but for now we must catch
a poor substitute match
from beautiful downtown Bramall Lane


Wrote this poem for my son’s 25th birthday on 5th July. He’s been going to Bramall Lane since he could walk and talk. Like many Blades fans, he’s trying to make the best of this ‘virtual’ season but as the poem says: ‘It just in’t the same’.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/pitchless-in-pitsmoor/?share=mastodon