
Prescot Cables FC

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Now there’s
The sweetest sound
Of them all to those who
Adore the unfashionable
And unknown
Football in its
Warmest corner
Of a non League cupboard
Next to the quaint
Chest of drawers
Where the carriage clock
Rang quietly, peacefully
On the timeless mantelpiece
My lovely family witnessed
Its modest majesty
No fanfares, plaudits
No Match of the Day
Acclamation and confirmation
No egos or million pound
Superstar auras
Ideas above any station
Just little, contented
Prescot Cables FC
Yes Prescot Cables FC
Electrifying certainly
Ladies and Gentlemen
Next to a wall
With glad tidings
Of floral graffiti
A ladybird to decorate
Your eyes
Before reaching those
Match box turnstiles
And gorgeous huts
Masquerading as terraces
This is the way football
Should be but is yet
Forgotten when the thousands
Of Premier League cheering
Subsides like the fading
Thunder claps of defeat
Or victory have yet to be
Announced in full splendour
On any weekend of your choosing
Any place, any time
Next to Prescot Cables FC where
The parachute regiments
Prepare for military
Battles, but never
There on Merseyside
Or any side
At any point in
The future
Apparently Prescot Cables FC
Were beaten 1-0
In midweek engagements
But not the end of the
World for a community
Where football is
A lifelong devotion
To an unswerving
Commitment to the cause
Prescot within a Liver Birds
Distance of the mighty
Anfield Liverpool battalions
With the last cries
From Everton’s Goodison Park
Just a heartbeat away
Prescot Cables FC as opposed to Preston
Hidden away in the game’s
Tranquil backwaters
Rippling pools of life
As opposed to the raging currents
Of the big boys League
Higher up football’s dizzying
Where only the fittest survive
Or so we’re led to believe
Just happy to belong
To football’s always
Protective community
Never airs or graces
Postures or affectations
Certainly not
Small and modest
Permanently Non League
Perhaps but you never know
It could happen one day
Fling open those curtains
And blinds and
Let the radiant sunbeams
Of League Two flood
Over this humble North West
England field of dormant
FA Cup glories potentially
Perchance to dream
The impossible dream
Prescot Cables FC we wish you
Well, proceed to loftier
Stages one day


Here’s my tribute to Prescot Cables FC on a lovely family trip.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/prescot-fc/