
Swing low – Rugby glee

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 A William Webb Ellis, devotee
Spouted in front of the camera, euphorically
The Mendip Hills stretching away behind, beguilingly
Coach was quite convinced, most, categorically
That Rugby’s ranks would swell, quite, extensively
It’s converts to the code that they covet, so, desperately
At the expense of football, obviously
And his schoolboy charges continued their training, devotedly
Pupils at an age, where almost, certainly
With hormones bursting forth, their favourite, Aus-zee
Wouldn’t be Clive James (reverting to Poet), or David, Camp-ese
But more likely, a pert little part of the, anatomy
Of everyone’s favourite ex-Neighbour, Miss, Ky-lie
But look hard, behind teachers back, the boys lapse, mischievous-ly
(It should’ve been me!) Into playing keepy-up, soccer, sty-lee!


Congratulations to the England Rugby team on winning the Rugby World Cup, November 2003.

I’m a Twickers mouse myself – went to school and college there, a Rugby only school but they still didn’t win me over!

Apologies for the proliferation of hyphens and commas, for some reason it composed in my head with a continuous emphasis on the last syllable – don’t know why, just did.

This poem (not great I know, but an excuse to add my congratulations!) was inspired by a tv interview with a schools rugby coach, in Bristol, where the point they were trying to make, is that Rugby hopes to build on the success of the England Rugby team, by attracting more school children to the game.

Good luck to them, but football will always be the game for me.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/swing-low-rugby-glee/