
The Bodybuilder

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Charlie was a football pro,
Though he was weak and puny.
In fact, he was the opposite
Of someone like Wayne Rooney.
He had the skill; he had the nous,
He’d tackle like the devil,
But didn’t have the brawn required
At international level.
He worked out at the local gym,
Developing his muscles,
Building strength to help contest
Those frantic midfield tussles.
But still poor Charlie got no in-
Ternational recognition,
A fact which shortly made him
Reconsider his position.
He gave up on the football,
Concentrating on the weights,
Determined to become one of
The bodybuilding greats.
And so in time, he turned into
A steely muscly chap,
Although it rankled that he gained
No international cap.
He changed his name when he found fame,
For being strong and fatless.
Because he never got a cap,
He called himself Charles ‘Atless.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-bodybuilder/?share=mastodon