
The Lessons of History

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Somebody said Hitler’s brother
Once lived in Liverpool
Dale Street or the Dingle
He couldn’t be sure exactly
(No blue plaques then?)
And Hitler once came to Liverpool
But he didn’t go to Anfield
Or Goodison Park
Didn’t join the lads down the park
For a kickabout
No jumpers for goalposts
No bruised knees grazed
With the grit of Liverpool stones
Instead he took his paper and brushes
Down to the banks of the Mersey
Painting pictures of the ships
The Grand Iron Cargoes
Whilst the colours and language of life
In songs In spices In culture
Slipped through his fingers like
Smoke from a forgotten cigarette
His cold eyes mesmerised by the architecture
Bricks and stone always bricks and stone
As he walked alone beneath
Silent and peaceful Liverpool skies
Long before the blitz.


Parry Maguire (2004)

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-lessons-of-history/