
What’s it all about, Sir Alfie?

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 If it’s all about width and options (on the night),
Will you be setting out your stall, early doors?
Will you be fast, expansive, easy on the ball,
Or will you crowd the middle of the park
Keeping it tight, closing us down
Whenever we try to get down the flanks?
We’re not afraid to get physical,
But we’re a ball-playing side, we keep our shape
We don’t forsake our patient build up in favour of route one.
We’ve been in Europe, we know the score.
And we’ve come out with our pride, head held high.
I’ll tell you this though,
This first date business is worse than
Playing at Anfield in the third round of the Cup,
When you are just up from the Rymans.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/whats-it-all-about-sir-alfie/