
Working Class Hero

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Of Black Country stock, goalgetter
Supreme from another age.
Bull by name and playing style;
His first touch poor, scored with
His second. Notched 50 plus strikes
Two seasons straight; a deadly duo
In tandem with Mutch – adulation
Abounded for the Molineux wonder.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Cast off by Albion, he forged
An undying bond with the fans –
Who followed his progress to
Wembley for England, and then
To Italy. Local lad made good who
Never strayed from his roots,
But stayed loyal to the cause.
And for that, was loved all the more.

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Skinhead cut, beligerent craft
To cut through tough defences –
Record upon record fell his way;
18 hat-tricks, 306 goals (no pens.)
In a dozen campaigns – before injury
Ended his free-scoring exploits;
A living legend, a no-bull breed.

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Prolific predator, heroic status –
A man of the fans, honoured by royalty.
The last of his kind, a final flourish.
Now it’s money, money and more –
Not the pride of the team, to try
Till you drop. Committment, character,
Just words on a page – but with
Stephen George Bull you got it all.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/working-class-hero/