
World Cup 2010 – Day 28

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Where was the free kick from outside the box,
The thirty yard screamer evading all blocks?
Long distance strikes barely caused any shocks –
To the top of the stands they went cruising.
You might as well play with my son’s shuttlecocks
As those stupid beach balls they were using.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 The keepers were helpless, could not judge the flight,
They flapped at it wildly for fear that it might
Suddenly veer from its projected height,
Its trajectory wild and confusing.
Oh many a keeper has suffered a fright
From those stupid beach balls they were using.

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Poor old Ronaldo could not hit the mark,
Messi kept trying until it got dark,
Kaka could not keep the ball in the park,
The spectacle was most bemusing.
Van Persie and Rooney were heard to remark
‘Bout those stupid beach balls they were using.

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 For fans of all nations, the World Cup was spoiled,
The prospect of long-distance screamers was foiled.
The ball wouldn’t dip right; it just hydrofoiled
There’s no bones about who we’re accusing.
Stand up if the palms of your hands were well oiled
By those stupid beach balls they were using.

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 So come on, Sepp Blatter, admit that you erred.
Your new-fangled beach ball was clearly absurd
The players and supporters both gave it the bird,
And there’s some who might find that amusing.
But the anger of many’s been furiously stirred
By those stupid beach balls they were using.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/world-cup-2010-day-28/