
Site-Wide Activity

  • Profile picture of Emdad Rahman

    Qatar 0-2 Ecuador

    Sizzling opening scenes in Qatar
    A launch with the good and great
    The hosts struggle to get far
    After a poor game at Al Bayt

    It was all too a comfortable win
    Enner Valencia’s d […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Through a door left ajar
    In a nigh empty sports-bar
    I witnessed a scene of incredulous awe.

    As a quite bizarre call by V.A.R
    Benefits host nation Qatar
    In the opening game versus Ecuador.

    An Ecuador […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    It’ll be 60 for yours truly next
    Wednesday when some of us became aware of
    Football’s pulsating melodies and threnodies
    Those anguished breast-beating moments
    Against opponents of four yearly cycles
    When the […]

  • Profile picture of Bozidar Gacina

    If something is
    better than music
    that is football match radio commentary
    One of those men who
    spoke to the world
    to keep us listening
    the dramas and enjoy them without watching
    was Chema Abad
    If […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    Nutmeg the dead, and those unpaid,
    The haram LGBTQ community
    Our Sweet F.A. will applaud or look away
    Assuring that twit Gary (Wonder what he’ll have to say?)
    Our game promotes gender equality.

    Qatar, are a […]

  • Profile picture of Kev Raymond

    The World Cup in Qatar, due to begin
    Will showcase teary-eyed partisan human beings
    Singing national anthems loud n proud in unity.

    Only this time, dubious sport, can/will take second place
    The World having […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    it’s a dream that would blossom two decades ago
    when the Spirit of Football gave birth
    to a symbol that’s more than just something you kick
    but unites everyone on this Earth
    and it’s rolled and been kicked by […]

  • Profile picture of Christian Wach

    [Football on soiled turf]

    This is a wonderful phrase which I shall be using from now on!

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    So Gareth it’s all aboard
    The voyage into the unknown
    Tales of the mystical Middle East
    World Cup tales of derring do
    Disapproval ringing in your ears
    England expects
    But this is morally bankrupt
    Surely, […]

  • Profile picture of Christian Wach

    Well said Crispin. One of the reasons for The Ball 2022/23 is exactly this – that FIFA need to know. The Ball is essentially a petition to FIFA to honour their commitments to the UN Sports for Climate Action […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    I’m Spartacus!
    No, I’m…..

    well not quite.
    I’m boycotting!….
    England’s first game, for all the right reasons –
    repudiating a Republic where rights are unreasonably 
    driven roughshod into the […]

  • Profile picture of Alex Saynor

    You hear it at every 5-a-side:
    the myth of the man with time.
    He’s rarely there, but you hear his name.
    ‘Paul – he must be 60 now – dictates the game.’

    He’s reached the point where he rarely runs,
    but […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    It was the moment we must have
    Dreaded in the global game
    A World Cup in Qatar
    Corruption and immorality
    About to reign on Middle East
    Grounds amid the disgusted
    Voices of football’s debating
    Chambers, […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Crispin Thomas commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year, 10 months ago

    Hi Guys

    Re ‘Lets Boycott Qatar ‘ poem

    You probably hate me banging on..and problably know (like me) that my/your not watching the World Cup in Qatar will make no difference.

    Of course it won’t. That’s not […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    let’s boycott Qatar
    it’s wrong for heaven’s sake
    however little diff’rence
    our non-viewing will make
    let’s go watch a small club
    while games go on at home
    while they just greenwash endlessly
    to justify […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Ronnie, how we’ll miss you tonight
    Hereford tonight in the FA Cup
    The ultimate romantic rendezous
    How he’d have adored it all
    The Sunday morning papers groaning
    Under the weight of praise,
    Back page […]

  • Profile picture of Stuart Butler

    That autumnal expedition to Brimscombe
    Seems all a bit too good to be true:
    Cycling past that spring alongside Bagpath,
    Where an old Rodborough resident
    Once slaked his thirst descending to Brimscombe,
    Where […]

  • Profile picture of joe morris

    Oh this grim foreboding
    But we knew
    About the West Ham
    Dread of Old Trafford
    Now almost as hoaxed
    As Anfield
    Yet another cataclysm
    As the clocks go back
    So too do
    The claret and blue
    When […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    We used to argue ad-nauseum
    As to whether or not the ball crossed the line
    Case-in-point: ‘66

    Now we have microscopic lenses
    And digital wristbands
    That pinpoints crossing ‘tween the sticks!

  • Profile picture of Apollo Gees

    That ball
    has found its time
    and its place

    guided there
    by my bonce
    and a smile ‘pon my face;

    as it nestles gloriously
    in the back of that net

    it is
    for me
    my most favourite goal yet!

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/activity/?acpage=27&offset_lower=14631