
Clik the mouse

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    We pray to every God
    For all the people lost and impacted in Turkey and Syria

    Back in my early days
    at almost every game
    you’d surely hear the chant
    “Chopper’s gonna getcha, la, la, la, la!”
    and there w […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    And lo!
    God set man upon earth
    And Pelé unto football

    God gave humankind legs
    So that we might walk
    And Pele dance

    God gave us brains
    So that our minds might reach to the future with emboldened […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    SF1: MmmmMessi

    Messi’s magical masterclass…
    More memorable than most?
    Mesmeric in front of the masses
    Mercurial medallist dumbfounds (immoral) host

    Morocco’s momentum
    Offers a modicum of optim […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    Sat 10/12/2022
    France 2-1 England

    For me, that was even stevens
    Two great teams, giving it their all
    Just what you want
    When it comes to the very best of football

    But then….
    Where there’s nothing to cho […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    Messi, Messi, Messi,
    Bless he, bless he, bless he
    Guess he, guess he, guess he
    Doesn’t need advice from me!

    And when you draw breath and think about it
    A misplaced pass from Messi
    Is about as commonplace […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    There was a young fella named Bertie
    Whose predilection didn’t include Gertie(s)
    He went to Qatar
    They found him bizarre
    And now he’s banged up watching CR7 get shirty!

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse commented on a poem on Football Poets 1 year, 9 months ago

    Stuart, you are not alone, in your dichotomy of doubt

    but without dissention

    you stand alone

    in hogging our attention!

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    Hey Mr Cool
    don’t be no fool –
    make sure you give out
    berate and sharply shout
    at all those around you
    whomsoever may confound you;
    those not pulling their weight;
    those late –
    into a tackle;
    those not p […]

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    One Love
    garners no love
    from the unlovable

  • Profile picture of World Cup Willie

    I’m Spartacus!
    No, I’m…..

    well not quite.
    I’m boycotting!….
    England’s first game, for all the right reasons –
    repudiating a Republic where rights are unreasonably 
    driven roughshod into the […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    We used to argue ad-nauseum
    As to whether or not the ball crossed the line
    Case-in-point: ‘66

    Now we have microscopic lenses
    And digital wristbands
    That pinpoints crossing ‘tween the sticks!

  • Profile picture of Apollo Gees

    That ball
    has found its time
    and its place

    guided there
    by my bonce
    and a smile ‘pon my face;

    as it nestles gloriously
    in the back of that net

    it is
    for me
    my most favourite goal yet!

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    I would opine
    much more online

    “password not accepted”

    so I try password this
    password that
    password another
    but I even forget
    the maiden name of my mother!

    And so I switch
    from the ether […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    The Hand of God ball
    is up for grabs!
    To be auctioned
    to the highest bidder.

    And because he is no longer with us
    it won’t go to the maximal fibber!
    (God bless his memory
    for Diego is footballing d […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse published a poem on the site Football Poets 2 years ago

    “One poem follows another”
    Just like Haaland’s goals
    But elsewhere the scores dry up
    And another coach’s head rolls

    And so it is
    That tetchy Tuchel takes leave
    But do mighty Chelsea
    Have a handy replace […]

  • Profile picture of Hy Koo

    Hy Koo published a poem on the site Football Poets 2 years ago

    Striker like poet
    Blesses ‘net with poise n prose
    Masterful finish

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse published a poem on the site Football Poets 2 years ago

    If not for you, I would never have made it to training, or to the match, or to the trials
    If not for you, I would never have read my first word from the back page of your newspaper (Chelsea… and there began m […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    I watch the Tour de France highlights
    with a “rouleur’s” relentless interest.
    I gasp as a chain chinks
    and sit appalled as a prime performer punctures…
    so many junctures
    and yet as the “domest […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 2 months ago

    Fabulous John!

    You had me going until I copped it!

    So glad we got Charlie back from you, he steadied the ship when we had a bunch of youngsters coming through.

    We also got Jerry MURFEE from you […]

  • Profile picture of Clik the mouse

    Clik The Mouse commented on a poem on Football Poets 2 years, 2 months ago

    A simple pleasure.

    And crafted beautifully.

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/clikhere/?acpage=2&offset_lower=15207