
Dylan Foley

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    flying high upon the hill
    where sheep will graze and time stands still
    we pinch ourselves and have to stop
    pretending we’re not at the top

    the silence broken with a roar
    the joy from fans each time we score
    we h […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Crispin Thomas published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    there are Llamas in a field beside the entrance
    and they’re posing for the passing crowd who stare
    there’s a big red bus that’s serving drinks and nibbles
    and a festival-like feeling in the air

    you can say that […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Crispin Thomas published a poem on the site Football Poets 9 years ago

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    still a name that springs

    as he did back in the day

    Big Ron had it all

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    warn your partner
    warn your friends
    August football’s
    back again

    premier league
    to grass roots
    gold designer
    or old boots

    fans are streaming
    from the station
    touts clean up
    across the nation

    Stamford Bridge
    to […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    “the whole stand is on fire” he cried upon my radio
    but how it started to this day we still may never know
    and who here can imagine the fear the heat the pain
    but pray that such a day as this will never dawn […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    you in those long shorts
    on scrapbook pages and walls
    always my hero

    to ape your swivel
    on concrete fields by street light
    how I tried and tried

    blurred in blue and white
    you dancing past def […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    I always wanted to be Jimmy Greaves
    it wasn’t the pace the shimmy or the flair
    or even those baggy shorts to die for
    it was the goals
    and in my scrapbook with flour for glue
    all those first cuttings were of ‘ […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    my mate Rob don’t like to talk about it
    not because he’s wiped it from his mind
    when he woke he remembered nothing
    of that dark and awful tragic time

    my mate Rob don’t like to blame nobody
    he’s just glad to be h […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    a hundred miles away from Kev
    but we kicked ev’ry ball
    it’s the finishing… or lack of it
    that gets us most of all
    it’s like the run in ten years back
    when Jose’s hair was black
    but in The Vic on Sunday
    we went […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    tougher than old boots

    heartbeat in a mighty side

    way back in the day

    fortress at the back

    giant lynchpin in defence

    Scotland Hearts and Spurs

    there in golden times

    when the Spurs went marchin’ […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    appalled by such behaviour
    embarassed by our fans
    the hatred shown in Paris
    our heads are in our hands
    and though they are minority
    we know without a doubt
    we still have many miles to go
    to kick this […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Look at those numbers that’s the way you do it
    You watch your football on Sky TV
    Forget the fans that’s the way you do it
    In an auction with them and BT
    This ain’t workin’ but that’s the way you do it
    Money means […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    if you were alive child woman or man
    you remember the day still
    like yesterday like Lennon like Kennedy
    or the day we landed on the moon
    the day we woke to realise
    we’d lost a football team

    that moment when […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    they’re trending now on any pitch
    they stroke a furry claim
    from Blackbeard to Hillbilly
    they litter our great game
    they cause Gillette to shudder
    the purists find them weird
    they’re hairier than mountain […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    fighting all the odds

    while Ebola takes it hold

    football still inspires


    in another world

    miles from the Premier

    Africa competes


    from Bata to Malobo

    drumming to another […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    Arsenal 3 Aston Villa 1

    Barnsley 4 Blackburn Rovers 2

    Birmingham City 2 Blackpool 3

    Bolton Wanderers 1 Bradford City 9

    Derby County 6 Brentford 7

    Brighton and Hove Albion 5 Bristol City 5

    Bristol Rovers 3 […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    one Christmas in the trenches
    they stood in mud and sand
    their loved ones and their football
    a distant far off land –
    the snow lay thick as thick could be
    a bitter chill did spread
    behind the sand bags and the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    one Christmas in the supermarket
    before the jam packed shelves
    there’s children making havoc
    with the homeless and the elves

    while some go late to scour
    the bargain cut-down stuff
    there’s millions pouring in the […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    fairy tales must end

    Norton made their fans so proud

    they can stand up tall

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    adding spice and sauce

    to a first round packed with thrills

    as Worcester march on

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ […]

  • Profile picture of Crispin Thomas

    yelling on his side
    on a night they’ll nor forget
    cheer up Sean Reid*

    slips and slides and rain
    just like cup ties in the past
    Warrington march on

    as we watch at home
    clocks that tick away the time
    on this magic night

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/dfoleyrwinners4/activity/following/?acpage=23&offset_lower=30